Amusement Park Date II

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Snack Bar in Daegu E-World.


"Ahh I'm full!" Lisa said to her as she leaned against her chair.

"You didn't finish your corn dog." he giggled as he mouthed to Lisa's corn dog across him.

"Hehe" she just laughed it off and smiled cheekily.

After having their snack, both of them took a walk.

There were lots of pretty spots for picture taking. Both of them also observed other people whom were having fun playing with the rides.

"I heard that they will be fireworks show later near the 83 Tower." Taehyung informed Lisa.

"Really???! We must see it!" Lisa turned her head to Taehyung immediately.

"Yeah! But it will start around 8pm. We still have another 2 hours." he explained.

"So what are we going to do while waiting?" Lisa asked him innocently.

"I saw a carousel earlier. Wanna go there?" he smiled warmly to her.

"Ehm!" Lisa nodded her head and gave a cute smile to Taehyung.

He giggled and both of them went to play the carousel.

When they arrived at the carousel, both of them were captivated by the colourful horses and bedazzling lights.

Lisa and Taehyung stepped carefully into the carousel and approached the nearest empty horses.

"Oppa hold this for me please?" Lisa said as she handed over her camera to Taehyung. She wanted to push herself onto one of the horses.

After making sure Lisa got on safely, he pushed himself onto another horse which was right behind Lisa.

The carousel spun gracefully and the wind blew Lisa's hair making it looked like she was shooting a commercial.

Taehyung on the other hand, was captivated by her beauty. He was looking at her the whole time and smiled to himself.

How could someone be this effortlessly beautiful?

Lisa put her right hand up in the air and the left one was holding onto the pole.

She was deep in her own world. She almost forgot that Taehyung was behind her.

"Oppa! This is fun!" she said like a child.

"Yes. Yes it is." he responded.

Taehyung suddenly thought of an idea.

He still have Lisa's camera in his hands.

He wanted to take a picture of Lisa.

He lifted the camera and put them near his face.

"Lisa!" he called her.

Lisa turned to look at Taehyung who was behind here and he took a shot.

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