Epilogue II

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The Next Day
9.22 AM
Third person POV

Blinding lights from the window of her room are making its way to Lisa's beautiful face.

She has no choice but to be awaken by the morning light rays.

Aishhh the sun!

She got up, still on the bed, and stretches her arms after a good night sleep.

As she rubs her eyes, she suddenly remembered what happened last night.

The parting of Taelice couple saddens her. As she understood that she will never be able to see Taehyung anymore after last night.

Her lips formed a pout as she remembers.

However, her lips quickly formed a sweet smile as she recalled how Taehyung called her and asked her to be his girlfriend.

No way! Lisa snapped in her thoughts.

Lisa quickly reached for her iPhone underneath her pillow and opened her call logs with Taehyung.

She scanned the logs and tap on the info of her call with Taehyung last night.

It's real! It's not a dream! He did called me last night!

The info showed that they had been talking for almost 2 hours last night.

Lisa excitedly giggling her way on her bed as she remembered how Taehyung actually did asked her to be his girlfriend. She couldn't forget that moment and everytime it flashes back through her head, she would smile to herself.

Flashback to last night...


*voice call*

I miss you Lisa..

Taehyung expressed.

I miss you too, Oppa.

Lisa smiles to herself.

By the way... what are you doing tomorrow? I know it's weekend tomorrow, but if you're not busy-

No! Not at all. My schedule starts next Monday. Why do you ask?

She asked in aegyo.

Let's meet up tomorrow.

M-meet up? How? We can't be seen in public. Also, I thought you have a schedule tomorrow.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she expresses her worries. It's dangerous being outside publicly as an idol. They can be stalked by reporters and sasaengs, and thing could turn for the worse if there are rumors about them doing things idols aren't supposed to do even though it is normal for ordinary people.

Hahahaha. No you silly girl. Our plans has been cancelled for tomorrow. What do you think? We could meet up at some place else. Any suggestion?

Taehyung giggled at Lisa's worries. Lisa was embarrassed at her own silliness and overthinking. Then, she thought of something.

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