Chapter Twelve

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Newt and Kat Apparated onto a wrecked street. Kat barely noticed Graves as she gasped at the Obscurial. A storm of black matter swirling, almost angrily, a strange red light emitted from Credence. Kat whimpered.

"Credence..." she whispered.

"To survive so long, with this inside you, Credence, is a miracle. You are a miracle. Come with me—think of what we could achieve together." Graves shouted to be heard.

"Why is he talking like he is a bad guy? Like that Gri-Grindelwald fellow?" Kat called out to Newt as the Obscurus made an odd screaming noise and knocked over Graves. Newt quickly grabbed Kat and his under a fallen car for protection.

Newt narrowed his eyes but didn't answer. Then with another pop, a lady Apparated.

"Newt!" The lady called. Kat narrowed her eyes, unsure who the woman was. Oh wait. She was the lady who ratted them out.

"It's the Second Salem boy. He's the Obscurial." Newt called to her, picking up on things quickly.

"He's not a child." This woman was obviously well informed. Kat felt a twinge of jealousy.

"I know - but I saw him - his power must be so strong - he's somehow managed to survive. It's incredible." Credence was incredible, Kat agreed whole heartedly.

"Newt!" Newt looked over again. "Save him." The woman said, running towards Graves.

"Who's that?" Kat asked.

"Later!" Newt said hurriedly as he grabbed her arm and Disapparated.

They appeared on a roof, where Kat could see Credence.

"Credence! Credence, I can help you." Newt shouted out. The Obscurial dove towards them but missed them when it saw Kat.

"He means it, Credence. We won't be like Grin-I mean Graves." Kat said loud enough for him to hear, but Credence flew away. She huffed.

"Boys are so stubborn." Newt yanked her out of the way as wizards and witches appeared and began shooting spells at Credence.

"No!" Kat yelled, enraged. She thrust a finger in the air and a silver animal appeared out of nowhere. She paused, confused. "I didn't mean to do that. But that's wicked!" Kat whispered as the strange animal began deflecting the spells. Newt froze.

"How did you cast that Patronus? You don't even have a wand! And thats NEWT-level stuff-"

"You?" Kat said confusedly. "I bet you're just jealous."

"Jea-what?!" Newt appeared flustered. Kat stuck out her tongue. Newt huffed. "I don't have time for this!" Once again, Newt grabbed Kat's hand and Disapparated.

This time, they were on top of a skyscraper.

"Whoa-ho. If I fall, I'm gonna die." Kat said peering over the edge. Newt seems distracted as he looked around.

"Yeah..." he said absent-mindedly.

"What?!" Kat said offended.

"There!" Newt said suddenly Disapparating without Kat. Kat stood there for a moment, flabbergasted.

"Umm...Daddy? This isn't the best solution, you know. Dumping a kid isn't good for their self-est-WHOA!" Kat yelped as he uncle Apparated back and Disapparated again. They arrived in a subway.

"Where's this? Another weird Muggle contraption?" Kat asked looking around. "Hello?" She yelled and soon heard a chorus of echoes. She giggled. "That's wicked." She opened her mouth to shout out again when Newt clapped a hand over her mouth. "Party pooper." She mumbled. Kat looked up.

"WHOA. Credence." She said, as if in awe. Newt quickly sat down, leaning against a pillar. Kat began walking towards the Obscurial, which Newt didn't seem to notice.

"Credence . . . It's Credence, isn't it? I'm here to help you, Credence. I'm not here to hurt you." Kat heard her uncle say as she watched, transfixed, the Obscurial. It seemed to be more calm now. Soon, human Credence appeared and Kat rushed over and patted his head. He looked at her confused.

"That's what Daddy does when I'm feeling upset." She explained continuing to pat his hair. He softened at her touch.

"I've met someone just like you, Credence. A girl—a young girl who'd been imprisoned, she had been locked away and she'd been punished for her magic." Newt said, slowly approaching. Kat could tell he had piqued Credence's interest.

"Credence, can I come over to you? Can I come over?" Newt asked, crouching down to make eye contact with the boy. Kat saw a flicker of hope in his eyes.

Just then, a sharp blast of light hit Newt, causing him to fly backwards. Kat whimpered, and held on to Credence, who put an arm around her protectively. She saw Graves march in with an air of authority.

Credence began to shake as Graves began hitting Newt with a strange light. Kat cried out and rushed in front of Newt, her arms spread wide as an attempt to protect him.

"No!" She cried. She heard a woosh and knew that Credence had turned back into an Obscurial.

"Credence." Graves said, almost mesmerized by the sight of the Obscurial. The two men began to Apparate around avoiding the Obscurius, while the Obscurius seemed content with protecting Kat, who sat huddled in a ball, putting her arms over her head to protect herself.

"CREDENCE, NO!" The same lady's voice brought Kat's head to look up. Credence seemed to stop trying to destroy Graves and her uncle and listen. It swirled more gracefully, and its strange eyes looked towards the lady.

"Don't do this - please."

"Keep talking, Tina. Keep talking to him - he'll listen to you. He's listening." Newt said, gathering himself up and hugging Kat tightly. The woman - Tina, continued speaking.

"I know what that woman did to you...I know that you've suffered...You need to stop this now...Newt and I will protect you..." Tina's words rang with truth. Kat nodded slightly.

"Listen to her, Credence. You can live with us."

"This man-he is using you." Tina pointed at Graves.

The foolish man tried to defend himself. "Don't listen to her, Credence. I want you to be free. It's all right."

"That's it." Tina said softly. The Obscurial began shrinking, until a group of Aurors burst in.

"Shhh! Don't, you'll frighten him." Tina said trying to get them to back off. The Obscurial moaned and began swelling again.

"Wands down! Anyone harms him - they'll answer to me-" Graves said harshly.

"Credence." Tina repeated. The Aurors began pelting the Obscurius with spells, and Kat screamed. The Obscurial exploded, and everyone was thrown back. Kat landed hard, a pain shooting us her elbow and tailbone, but she could care less at that moment. She scrambled up and saw black pieces of the Obscurus floats down. She sniffed and began to cry right on the spot. Automatically, arms wrapped around her but she didn't say anything. How could they have killed Credence?

A/N: Okay I modified the ending so it matches up with the movie, but I will keep the version where Credence lives in an alternate ending. ~Bella

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