If I Should Have A Son

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If I should have a son

I will teach him to be kind

And I will never perpetuate the stereotype

Of toxic masculinity

by telling him

that real men don't cry.

If I should have a son

I'd teach him wrong from right

Hitting a women is wrong

Raping a women is wrong

But love no matter who for is always right

If I should have a son

I'd want him to know what it's like to live free

And to never live scared or in fear

Of everything in this world that terrifies me

But if he's ever frightened that's ok too,

and it doesn't make him weak

I would want to tell my son

not to live in fear of the police

And that if an officer is to stop him on the street

He should just cooperate

they are not his enemy

But instead I will teach him

If you find yourself being followed

find the most well populated street

So the next time I see you isn't on news, FOX, CNN, ABC

If you are pulled over in your car thrown to the ground

Always remember the number 510-562-8493

Direct line to the NAACP

If I should have a son

I will teach him he is his sister's protector

The ones he doesn't know

Just as much as the ones born of me

And if I should have a daughter

I will teach her to be her brothers keeper

If I should have a daughter

I will tell her that she is Isis

That she is more breathtaking than the Northern lights

And that the sun sets on her last waking breath every night

And that before her i didn't know joy

Because she is the light of my life

I would teach her the importance of speaking her mind

Not to hide her ideas and her feelings
To use her voice for self expression

And that the bass in her voice is just an adaptation

Of her oppression

From years and years of women not being heard

Say everything you need to say

the way that I wouldn't

Be brave and bold and loud, t

he way that I couldn't

If I should have a daughter

I would tell her not to let anyone make her hate the color of her skin

To hate the chocolate, caramel, mocha delight of her caramel complexion

And don't let anyone try and tell you your worth

As the mother and the creators of this earth

Don't let them tell you are not worth more that how fast

You can get on MTV or BET and shake that ass

This is for a little black boy and little black girl I love but I've never met

A community there in that's hurt and bruised and broken

A group they're a part of but have never chosen

My son nor my daughter will have ever asked to be black,

Like they didn't ask to be ripped away, torn away from a home that they would never get back

Struggling, fighting, gasping for air to stay alive in a country that could give a damn if they die

All of this violence and pain to prove a point we're expendable and we're useless

When the real truth is we built this country

On our sun burnt, raw repeatedly whipped, backs

But still they try eradicate or take everything that is black

My children will never have to ask who is Marcus Garvey

Who is Harriet Tubman

Because they will not celebrate black history only once a year

Their ancestors weren't slaves for just a month

The civil rights movement didn't last for just a month

Police brutality wasn't for just a month

It took years to modify segregation

And I will not confine their black education

To 28 days

If I should have a daughter

Whether or not she has an earthly father

She'll have my protection,

And he will always know that he's loved

If I should have a son

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