Chapter 13 - I Need You

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I'm roaming the gardens with Maxon and two children who I assume are ours when a man dressed in black comes out for behind a bush and shoots the little children running in the fields there little blood staining the green and in slow motion a bullet hits Maxon square in the chest I start sobbing as the rebel walks up to me and points the gun and says "This is what you get" and he pulls the trigger.

I wake up sweating and sobbing. Maxon true to comfort me. But I screams and jump towards the door "America?" Maxon asks and I sprint down the halls and out the doors tears streaming down my face. Marlee is sitting on the bench and sees me. She quickly walks over towards me and I sit down gasping for breath. She let's me sit there and calms me down. I finally calm down enough to form sentences and we talk for a bit before she leaves for the night. I see Maxon staring at me from the balcony and say something I can't comprehend.
"What have I done"


I slept in my room last night and woke up several times from nightmares. The next day I avoid Maxon at all costs. I have breakfast and lunch in my room but my maid force me downstairs for dinner and I walk in to see only Queen Amberly there. I breath out a sigh of relief she notices.
"Maxon had a meeting where you looking for him?"
"Quite the opposite actually." I admit and she nods as the cooks bring out the meal. Maxon rushes in and sits down
"My meeting was canceled last minute sorry." He say and Amberly nods her head. I finish my food and excuse my self. Maxon follows.
"Maxon leave me alone" I say trying not to cry and the rebel alarms go off. GREAT!!! Maxon rushes me into the safe room and Amberly is already down there. I go to fidget with my ring and gasp.
"What is it America" Maxon asks
"Its gone"
"What is"
"My ring" he searches my hand for the missing promise ring
"Don't worry my dear we'll find it" he says and I start sobbing
"You don't understand I need it"
"Maxon you don't understand" I say starting to whine
"America quit acting like a child" say turning away and I storm out of the room as the guard walks in.
"I hate you" I say through gritted teeth and tears. Then I run past the gate last the castle past cities and towns and streets. I run until I can't then I crawl and I crawl until I pass out beneath a tree.

Maxon POV
She hates me. She said it. I tried to follow her but didn't make it three steps of the grounds because a damn rebel grabbed me and threw me in his van. All I could think about was her. When they threw me in the cell with America's dress I could only think of her. Until a girl came in and grabbed me by the collar and kissed me. I push her away she goes again this time with a knife against my throat. I imagine its america.

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