Chapter 8-Harly

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Hey everyone sorry to leave you with such a cliffhanger, hope you like it so far! Here we go, chapter 8!

Harly's POV


I woke up in a dark room, wet with a strange liquid. Smelling it, I realized it wasn't water.

I propped myself up on one arm and surveyed my surroundings as my eyes adjusted to the little light which filtered in through a crack in the door.

I looked down to see the floor crawling with insects of all kinds.I shuddered as a centipede crawled over my wrist,and I could feel all of it's pointy legs graze my skin. I immediately went into the nearest corner, swatting bugs with my hands.I immediately looked down at my wand, realizing that my captors had forgotten to take it.

Guess they didn't know who they were dealing with.

"Illumis" I whispered, afraid anyone would hear. A faint glow emitted from the tip of my wand, and I could get a better look at myself.

My clothes were ruined. My jacket lay in tattered ribbons, my leggings torn apart as if they were shorts. I was covered in grime, but that was the worst of the damage.

A few seconds later, a figure stomped into the room, its feet clacking against the bricks which defined the floor.

More like hooves.

The figure, entered with the winding horns of a bull, and the physique of a hunched bodybuilder. Purple fur covered its upper half like a sweater, and through it I could see various scars of varying lengths and widths. It wore a tattered loincloth to cover it's nether regions,but that wasn't quite working.

Minotaurs. I should have known from the smell.

He picked me up by my arm,and dragged me outside the room into a larger one lit by torches.

I quickly slid my wand into my jacket pocket.

The room was filled by other minotaurs roughly fitting the same description, apart from a large one in the middle with black fur and a large gold nose ring.

He nodded his head, it was a he, no doubt about it, his loincloth was NOT doing the job.

At the signal, the Minotaur holding me began to slowly strip off my clothing.

Oh god, they're going to rape me.

I was dragged up to the black minotaur, left in parts of my jacket and what remained of my pants. He snorted in my face, a mixture of snot and contempt.

"Here, brothers, is the witch from the other realm." He said in a stony voice.

"What oth-" I began.

He slapped me with clawed fingers, and it took all go had not to lose consciousness. I felt dripping on my cheek, and touching it, I realized I was bleeding. The pain hadn't kicked in yet.

"The heathen from the dark realm we tried so hard to escape has followed us here,"he continued," with the intent to destroy us."

There were grunts and stomping from he audience.

"What?! I'm not here to destroy anyone! I was on a date!" I protested.

His hand flew into the air, and I fell silent.

"Well then, she must DIE!" he bellowed.

Chris, save me. I thought.

I was hoisted onto a platform in the middle of the room, and they began deathly chanting in a language I couldn't understand.

Immediately the leader was handed an axe, and he proceeded up to the platform.


Everyone stared towards the only door in the room, apart from the one I was dragged through.


Fire seared the edges of the door, and Chris stepped in, fire seething from his eyes.


Chris' POV


I busted the door down, brandishing the Minotaur child who led me here in my hand. I found him outside the jewelry store, and he told me everything.

"What the flying fuck is going on here?!" I screamed.

I walked into the center of the room, looking at my flower hanging from chains in the room.

My blood boiled.

"Nobody move, nobody gets torched." I said.


Harly's POV


He was so hot when he was threatening minotaurs.

He walked over, cutting me down, and I fell into his arms.

"I'm sorry"he said,and he sounded like he was being crushed. Behind the fury in his eyes I could see deep sadness and regret.

"S' Okay"I replied as cheerfully as I could. He put me down.

"Who did this?"he asked.

An arrow whizzed past his head, and he caught it. That's when the carnage began.

He stepped down from the platform,incinerating the arrow in his hand. He shot a bolt of fire from his wand, and it seared the Minotaur straight to the bone. It's flesh smoked and it gave a guttural scream.

The rest of them tried to pile on top of Chris but after turning his wand into a sword, he cut them down one by one. He parried an axe strike, and cut off a horn from a minotaur who tried to charge at him.

The leader backed away from him, scurrying into a corner to avoid any more of my lover's wrath.

Chris grabbed his neck, and fire erupted from his hands. I noticed some of it was black.

"Explain." he said through clenched teeth.

"The Void... Oh, I smell it now. It wasn't the girl, it was you. It was you all along." he said, finally succumbing to his injuries. He slumped to the ground and as his eyes rolled up into his head I realized he was dead.

"Well those were some weird last words." Chris said, putting his wand back in his pocket.

I told Chris all about what he had said about other realms and darkness.

"Don't worry about it." he said wearily. I realized the fight had taken a lot out of him, and he was covered in scratches and bruises.

"Let's go." he said as he picked me up in his arms and took me out of the hellish place.

It was the first time in awhile I had felt like a princess.

We went back to the hotel, and after a few long showers we decided it was time to go back to school.


Hooray for safety! Well as always don't forget to comment and vote! Next chapter should be up soon!

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