Chapter 8

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Lena was leaning against a tree, panting heavily as they ran a marathon in order to avoid the armoured people in the van.

Kara was hiding behind a tree, using her x ray vision to make sure the men were far away. She looked back at Lena who was trying to catch her breath, "Are you okay?" Her voice was thick with concern.

She scanned Lena's body to ensure that there were no broken bones.

Lena looked up to answer, but before she could, she noticed Kara's hand was still bleeding and there was blood seeping through her torso, "Oh my god Kara" She took a few steps closer to Kara who suddenly realised that there was blood seeping through her clothes.

"Oh" Kara muttered, she was too pumped up from adrenaline to notice the pain, "This...this is nothing" she stammered nervouslt. The wound wasn't deep enough to kill her, it was just a scratch. Her hand on the other hand hurt like hell, but she was more concerned with Lena's wellbeing.

"Kara" Lena whispered softly, she made an attempt to look at Kara's hand but Kara took a step back and had a distant look in her eye.

"We should go back, Winn's kind of waiting for us" Kara muttered, "I may or may not have flew here"

"You can fly?" Lena didn't know why she still sounded surprise after everything she had seen tonight. Kara nodded her head softly, Lena noticed that Kara seemed more shut off, she wanted to comfort her and tell her what she was thinking, but she wasn't even sure what she was thinking.

Kara was going to ask Lena for her permission to carry her and fly, but she didn't have time to ask, she saw a van approaching them with people inside of it, "Sorry" Kara whispered before picking Lena up bridal style and shooting into the air.


Alex was sitting on the bench with her team, her game started 30 minutes ago and Kara was still nowhere to be seen. She may not have x-ray vision, but she could always pick out her sister from the rest of the audience.

"Danvers" Maggie called out, she noticed the distracted look in Alex's eyes and she really needed her full attention.

"Yea?" Alex replied, she knew that she wasn't paying the game to the best of her abilities, but she couldn't help but feel like something was wrong.

"What's going on with you? You failed to kick the ball in the goal 3 times already" Maggie knew she was acting like a bitch, but she couldn't give Alex special treatment.

Alex shook her head and then stood up from her bench, she needed to call Kara, but she didnt have a phone, "Look I'm sorry"

"Everyone get in position" Maggie ordered her team, but before Alex could go on the field, she grabbed her arm, "What's wrong?" she whispered

"I'm worried about Kara" She whispered quietly, "She said she would be here but she's not" Kara would never miss her game.

"Maybe she's with Lena or Winn" Maggie shrugged her shoulders, she didn't understand why Alex was always focused on Kara. The girl was like a ray of sunshine, everything that she did, she did with a smile on her face.

A small part of her resented Kara, not because of who she was, but because she didn't understand her. Maggie tended to dislike someone when she wasn't able to understand them, which was why she literally disliked majority of the school.

"No" Alex said while shaking her head, "something is up"

"Babe" Maggie reached for her hand, "Kara is a big girl, she can take care of herself. You need to stop worrying about her and start focusing on yourself"

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