Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

Maggie had woken up to the smell of coffee, she looked around and noticed that she was sleeping in Alex's bed. She looked around to find Alex, but she wasn't here, she was probably downstairs.

She looked over at Kara's side of the room and noticed that Kara wasn't home or in bed. She wondered if she was making Kara uncomfortable, being here in the same house.

Maggie really wanted to get along with Kara, but it was hard to when she saw Kara as someone who was overly enthusiastic about everything.

Everything Kara did, she did with enthusiasm, whether it was from breathing the morning air or whether it was the birds singing in harmony.

Maggie could sense that Kara knew how she felt towards her, but for some reason, Kara had ignored her and proceeded to smile at her like nothing.

A part of her felt guilty about Kara, because Maggie couldn't help but feel protective over Kara. If someone at school said a stupid remark about Kara, she would curse at them and shoot them the deadliest glare she could muster.

She pushed away her thoughts and crawled out of the bed and walked down stairs where her she saw her girlfriend making coffee and breakfast.

A small smile crept across her face as she watched her girlfriend singing along to the radio.

"Damn Danvers, you've been hiding your secret talent from me this whole time" Maggie said with a smirk. Alex jumped at the sound of her girlfriend's voice and almost dropped the plate of pancakes onto the floor.

"Jesus Christ" Alex shouted as she placed the pancakes onto the bench.

Maggie couldn't stop the smile on her face from growing, "Nope just me" She replied sarcastically, she walked up to Alex and put her arm around her neck, "What's all of this?"

"Well, we didn't have the best dinner last night... nor the best day, so I thought why not make breakfast?" she replied as she gave her a quick kiss on her lips.

"I didn't realise you could cook" she replied as Alex turned around and started to take out 2 plates and 2 cups of coffee. She took a seat onto the kitchen table and waited for Alex.

"Well, you learn to cook when your sister gets hungry every 30 minutes" Alex replied as she took a seat next to her girlfriend.

"Speaking of Kara" Maggie said, "Where is she?", she was worried for the girl. Someone as naïve and innocent as Kara, shouldn't be out in the real world where assholes would take advantage of her sweet personality.

Alex called Winn in the morning to confirm where Kara was, "She's stayed overnight with Lena... Lionel's funeral is on today"

Maggie looked up at Alex with confusion, "I thought the funeral was on Friday"

"Today is Friday" Alex responded, she looked into Maggie's eyes and saw panic in it, "What? What's wrong?" she was pretty sure they didn't have an anniversary today...

"The Soccer Game" Maggie suddenly said, she looked at the clock hanging on the wall and noticed that it was 12 pm.

Alex wasn't sure if Maggie wanted to still go to the game or not, especially after last night, "I already called Luce and told her we might not be able to make it" she said calmly.

Maggie shot her an incredulous look, "We need to go" she said quickly, she wasn't going to miss the game, she shot out of her seat, ready to get ready for school but Alex quickly grabbed her arm.

"Hey" She said calmly, "We don't have to go today. The team will understand"

Maggie shook her head, "I'm the captain, I can't miss the game just because of some... personal issues"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2020 ⏰

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