Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

A/N: Supercorp has finally been established. How'd you like it? Was it good or was it bad? I'm terrible at writing romance so i'm sorry if some of the wiring is cringe worthy. But either way, Angst is my forte, so expect that coming soon. Anyway, thank you for your reviews and comments and have a great day! BYE!

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Alex shouted angrily. Winn winced as he heard the anger in Alex's tone. He should've seen this coming, telling Alex that her sister basically used her powers to stop an alien kidnapping, was bound to infuriate Alex.

"Just keep in mind, that Kara saved Lena" Winn commented while pointing his finger in the air.

Alex turned around and shot him a glare, "Kara made her self-known. I don't think you understand how bad this is. I don't think that anyone understands how bad this" She screamed angrily.

"Calm down, No-one saw her" Winn replied

Alex suddenly stopped pacing and glared at Winn, "No-one else saw her but the alien. The alien knows that Kara exists. That's enough to put her in danger". Alex knew the consequences of someone finding out that Kara was an alien, she knew that Superman had enemies that would gladly use his cousin to get to him.

"I don't see the big deal" Winn replied trying to calm his own nerves, "Kara saved Lena from that Lumerian freak. We should be celebrating"

Alex slammed her palm on the table that Kara had left a dent on last night, "What makes you think the Lumerian won't run and tell all of his other alien friends who Kara is?"

"So, what if Kara is an alien?" Winn asked, "There are probably hundreds of thousands of other aliens walking on this planet"

Winn didn't know how rare Kara was, "What did Kara tell you about her home planet?", she asked, she needed to know what Winn knew.

Winn thought about it and realised that he didn't actually know what planet Kara came from. Superman never told anyone about his place of origin either.

"She didn't mention it" He replied, feeling guilty that he didn't know anything about her home, "Is it bad?" he asked quietly. He wanted to know what happened to Kara, but he wanted to hear it from Kara herself.

Alex nodded her head, he didn't even know the half of it. Alex herself, still couldn't comprehend what happened to Kara's planet.

She had tried to empathise with her, but she couldn't. She couldn't understand what it was like to lose her whole world, to watch her friends, family and her people burn in the flames that consumed her whole planet.

Alex let out a frustrated sight and buried her head in her hands, "This is bad" she muttered, "Why didn't Kara tell me?"

She couldn't stop the guilt that was swirling within her heart, she should've been there for her sister, she should've gone home with her. The worst part about it was the fact that Alex knew something was wrong, but she pressed it down in order to have fun, to be normal.

"She wanted to tell me something last night... I could see it in her eyes... why? Why didn't I do anything?"

Winn could see the guilt in Alex's eyes, "Alex, you're allowed to want things for yourself... plus, it's not like you can't go back in time and change things", he had been telling Lena the exact same thing last night, "But you can be there for her now. That's all that matters"

Alex looked up from her hands and looked at Winn, "Thank you Winn, for being such a good friend to Kara... for not treating her like an..."


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