Chapter 2

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Light use of swear words.
If you watched the anime,
Its not worse. I'm not a
person who is a fan of swear words.

Things you need to remember

Your last name is Suzki

Outfit of choice O/o/c

Hair color H/c

Eye color E/c

Favorite color F/c

Old school name O/s/n

Favourite accessory F/a

Favorite food F/f

Hair length

Favorite kind of dinner/breakfast F/k/o/d/b

Favourite kind of side for dinner/breakfast F/k/o/s/f/d/b

Favourite tea F/t (if you don't like tea just change it)

More will be added


"Hello, Y/n Suzki." An unknown voice remarked.

Y/n's P.O.V

I was startled by the voice. I turn around to see a cat like creature sitting idly in the window. It's fur was pure white and had some sort of red oval marking on it's back. And it's had some sort of long appendages coming out on them. It's dark crimson eyes pierce through me.

"W-who are you?" I asked, unsure of what the creature is.

"That is Kyubey." Mami smiles.

"Oh, okay." I nervously reply.

"You, Y/n Suzki, have the potential to become a magical girl." Kyubey just off the window and circles around me.

"That's not true." I correct.

"No, you have alot of potential, almost as much as Madoka has." He says gesturing toward Madoka with flick of his tail.

"What will I get if I choose to?" I question. There must be a catch.

"You'll get one wish; I can grant any wish." He adds. As he takes a seat next to Madoka.

"Wow, really..?" I rise a little bit of my knees.

"Yes, Miss Suzki." It looks like his emotion less face turns into some sort of a smirk.

"Okay, I wi-" I notice something in the corner of my eye. A girl with raven hair appeared in the window. My mind was driven away from what saying and my attention was now focused on her.

"You don't want to do that." She says devoid of emotions.

"Why?" I question her in a nervous manner.

"Y/n, Suzki, do you love parents and friends?" She askes as she steps a few inches away from the window.

"Yes! I do... Why?" I stare at her unsure of what she's going to do.

"If you make a contract with 'that thing' you'll lose everything you care about." She states her purple eyes pierce through mine.

"W-what?" I cock my head confused.

"I am done here." She says as she just disappears.

"Gah! That damn transfer student!" Sayaka states in a angry manner.

"What did she mean? I'll lose everything I love?" I question.

"I'm not sure..." Madoka answers briefly.

"Anyways do you want some more f/t y/n?" Mami asked smiling.

"Sure." I smiled at her as she got up and went to the kitchen, before she entered she looked back at us and said,

"How about you two?"

"Why not." Sayaka and Madoka answers.

Mami leaves to prepare the tea.

I look at Madoka and Sayaka who just toke a seat at the other side of the table.

I hear a kettle whistle.

Mami brings four tea cups, a kettle and four slices of vanilla cake with chocolate icing with sprinkls.

She sets them down on the table and hands out the cups and cake.

"Thank you Mami." I smile at her as she hand each of us a cup and cake.

"Your welcome." She smiles and hands ma a fork, and I accept.

I cut into the cake with my fork and take a bite.

"Tis iz su goode." I talk with delicious cake in my mouth.

"Thank you, I made it myself." She smiles as she cuts a piece of cake off with her forkm

"How did you understand what she said?" Asked Sayaka.

"I'm a magical girl." Mami smiles as I devour the cake and tea.

•~•~•~•~•~•Time skip•~•~•~•~•~•

After the meeting with Mami and the others, I went home and had some dinner, though it didn't compare to Mami's cake and tea.

I washed my hands after dinner and made it down to my room.

I crawl into bed and fall asleep.


I see the girl from my dream from earlier. She's fighting a witch. And it looks as if she is using a lot of her strength.

"The job is to difficult for her alone." It sounded like Kyubey.
I turn my head and see,
"Kyubey?" I question.

"Yes?" He asks.

"What are you doing here?" I stare at him in confusion.

"To make you a magical girl." He states as he idly stares off into the distance.

"Okay then, I wish-" I say being cut off once again.

•~•~•~•~•~•End of Dream•~•~•~•~•~•

Why did I wake up? That's weird...
I check my clock, it reads, 3:00 a.m.
Well I need to get back to bed, I have school.
A/n: Sorry it toke so long to update.
It's just that I have school and it's hard to update.
Total word count 647.


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