➵⠀➵Chapter 8 Finale➵⠀➵

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Things you need to remember

Your last name is Suziki

Female name close to yours F/n/c/t/y

Male name close to yours M/n/c/t/y

Outfit of choice O/o/c

Hair color H/c

Eye color E/c

Favorite color F/c

Your name Y/n

Old school name O/s/n

Favourite accessory F/a

Favorite food F/f

Hair length H/l

Favorite kind of dinner/breakfast F/k/o/d/b

Favorite kind of side for dinner/breakfast F/k/o/s/f/d/b

Favorite tea F/t (if you don't like tea just change it)

Halloween outfit H/o



"You bastard...What have you done... You scum bag, you turned us into zombies, IS THAT WHAT HAPPENED!?" Kyoko asked angrily.

"But isn't it more convenient?" Kyubey asked. Madoka whined.

➵⠀➵Currently➵ ➵

Y/n P.O.V

"If your heart explodes or you bleed out every last drop of blood, no matter what happens you just heal your bodies with magic and get up again. As long your soul gem doesn't get damaged, you're basically invincible." He continues.

"Isn't it better to have that than be trapped in a body prone to failure?" He states.

"Thats awful." I say, as tears begin to arise. And Madoka sobs over Sayaka.

"It never fails. Whenever I tell you humans the simplest of facts, you always react the same way. I dosen't make any sense. Why are humans so sensitive about the kind of container their souls are housed in?" Kyubey says as Kyoko begins to become more aggressive than she already has, tightening her grip around Kyubey's neck.

I watch, as tears begin to fall. Soon I look down to Sayaka and a pair of feet appear from behind Sayaka. I look up at the figure, it's Homura. She places Sayaka's soul gem next to her. Sayaka wakes up after a couple seconds.

"What's up? What happened?" Sayaka questions. Madoka cries and latches on to her. I smile as the stress and anxiety becomes lifted of my chest. I wipe the remainder of the tears with the back of my hand. Homura looks at me and falls to her knees letting tears fall. I was shocked, she had never shown this kind of vulnerability before. I stood up and walked over to her as Madoka and Sayaka talk to eachother. Kyoko just looks uncomfortable qnd confused.

I approached Homura, as I got closer and closer to Homura, I heard her mumble,
"I have to start over..." She looks up at me through her hair.

"I'm sorry, Y/n..." She stands up barely able to.

"Wait, Homura. What are you doing!?" I question unaware of what she's doing. I stretch my hand out to her.

"I'm sorry. Time sto--"

Homura's P.O.V

"I'm sorry. Time stop!" I say. Everything stops. Y/n's hand is still streatched out.

"Why did you do this...?" I cry.

"Time reverse!" I state. I go back in time and wake up in my hospital room again. I get off the bed and get dressed for school.

~Time Skip~

It's been a month and I've been protecting Madoka so far. Y/n starts school tomorrow. I must wait for her and make sure they doesn't make a contract this time.

~Time Skip~

Today Y/n L/n, starts school. I wait patiently in my seat, but nothing happens... Y/n doesn't arrive. Did I get the date wrong? I pull out my phone and it's the exact date Y/n Suziki joins our class. I become worried.

~Time Skip~

It's the end of the day, and still no sign of Y/n. I hear murmurs about a recent car accident. I run to the clostet cafè with a television. On it was the news.

"Four people killed in a two car collision. The Suziki family was killed while the drunk diver was unscathed." Says the news reporter. I fall to my knees crying. Y/n was killed...

~Time Skip~

As many times as I go back in time Y/n always dies in the accident, no matter what I do...

"Why can't she just live!?" I yell at the sky as I cry.

~Time Skip~

Everytime I got back in time my soul gem becomes dark and darker... I need to give up... I need to give up on Y/n...

The end

➵⠀➵  ➵⠀➵  ➵⠀➵

If anyone is confused on how I ended it, I'll explain. Homura wishes to save you and Madoka. But in the end she is unable to save both of you, even though she tries again and again. After the car crash she is unable to save you. She did everything to try and save you, but each time it didn't work.

After months of trying to save you her soul gem is almost completely black. So she is forced to give up on you and save Madoka, leaving off where the anime started.

Hopefully that made sense! Thank you for reading this book and getting it to 1k!

This book will be edited properly and not be in this format. I'll make an announcement once I have started editing it and an announcement once I finsihed editing it.

Thank you for sticking along for this crappy book.

Total word count including A/n
894 words

Have a good day

Sincerely, Mistress__luna

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