Chapter 4

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Things you need to remember

Your last name is Suziki

Female name close to yours F/n/c/t/y

Male name close to yours M/n/c/t/y

Outfit of choice O/o/c

Hair color H/c

Eye color E/c

Favorite color F/c

Your name Y/n

Old school name O/s/n

Favourite accessory F/a

Favorite food F/f

Hair length H/l

Favorite kind of dinner/breakfast F/k/o/d/b

Favorite kind of side for dinner/breakfast F/k/o/s/f/d/b

Favorite tea F/t (if you don't like tea just change it)

Halloween outfit H/o



I head home, I read the clock on someones phone, who had passed by me earlier. It was late, to late. 'Oh god... Mother and sister going to be pissed off.' 


I run home and sneak back in through my room. I turn around seeing my mother and sister. 'They look pissed!'    

"H-hey guys...." I smile nervously.

"Young lady! Your in big trouble missy!"Mother scolds me but I don't listen. Like the rebellious teen I am. Mother leaves me in my room with her last four words, before leaving me room.

"No dinner for you." I recite to my self and lay on my bed. My eyelids become heavy, and slowly drift off to sleep.

•~•~•~• Time Skip •~•~•~• 

I open my eyes looking at my ceiling. I look out my window noticing it's probably early in the morning.

"There so paranoid!" I say to my self.

"For all I know, mother probably told the neighbors to watch the house all day..." I think, I look at my f/c clock siting on my nightstand,

"Ah... It's only 30 minutes after school started..." I quickly bursh threw my hair and put on o/o/c.

I walk around the house looking for a window at the side of the house, one where no one can see. I find on, on the second floor. I sigh, as I approach it. It seemed like it hadn't been opened in awhile, I tug at the window for a solid five minutes, before it opened. Once i had it open, I crawled through it, my eyes immediately toke note of the ground; that was about two stories down. I start to shake, I didn't like my idea so much anymore. As I was shaking I lost my grip on the windowsill. I fell and hit the ground. My whole body ached. I sat up, realizing noting hurt anymore. I stood up and head to town to purchase more pocky and Ramen.

  •~•~•~• Time Skip •~•~•~• 

The sun has set and I'm still wandering about town. I don't even care that it's late, or my family is worried or upset.

I walk around town. I soon notice Madoka following Hitomi? I look at Hitomi's neck.

"A witches kiss!?" I semi-yell and Madoka notices me. I run to her, asking what happened. She explains her side of the story to me. 

We reach a large warehouse. There are others! Lots of others. We enter. There is bleach and something else I can't Identify. I see the warning on it. Flammable and toxic. My eyes widen. Madoka and I run and grab it we throw it out the window.

"You wrecked are plan to go to a better place..." The crowd mumbled, they started to come after us. We both ran in to a closet, backed against the wall. A witch labyrinth opened, and I blacked out. 

   •~•~•~• Time Skip •~•~•~• 

I open my eyes to be in my bed again.

"Was it just a dream?" I ask myself. I get out of my bed while looking out the window. I see something shuffle in the dark, and I notice a pair of red eyes.

"Kyubey..." I state.

"Hello again, Y/n." Kyubey still had his usual monotone poker face, it something was a little bit off.

'What is he planing?



So sorry for not updating! I got busy with my other books! Whats up next well you just have to read it when it's out! Hope you enjoyed.

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