California here we come

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            William's POV
I was sleeping when I heard little knocks on my bedroom window. Shuffling a little I got up and walked over to the window drowsily. I opened it and a stone hit me in my chest. "Ouch" I said rubbing the spot looking out to see Derrick. "Derrick its 8 in the morning go away" I said closing back the window. "Open the door William" he said sternly. "And if I don't" I yelled from my bed. "William Augustine Santino open this door right now!" he yelled and I shot up immediately. "Okay okay I'll open it" I said defeated. Putting on a pair of jogging pants I went downstairs and opened the door. Derrick walked in and made himself comfortable on the sofa in the living room. I sat myself on the couch beside him and we were now in and awkward silence. "What did the message say?" Derrick finally asked me making eye contact.  "Nothing okay" I said wanting to just end the conversation. "Well I have good news" he said and my eyes lit up. "But I'll only tell you if you tell me what the message said" he said making me frown. "Okay" I sighed. "She said that they're leaving to one of Mateo's mansion away from New York but she said that she doesn't know where" I said looking at him intensively. "She wasn't lieing then" Derrick said smiling. "Who wasn't lieing?" I add in. "Last night I spoke to one of Rhonda's secretary, Kelly, who said that Mateo and Wendy had a conversation about Mateo going to California to live in a mansion" Derrick said and a smile spread across my face but it soon fell. "But which mansion?" I asked. "I remember Mateo telling me that dad bought him a mansion in California in a rich neighbourhood called Greengrove Ville." "Get your passport ready Derrick Callonso. We're going to California."

        ***** Wendy's POV
I've been calling Mateo's phone for quite a while now and he isn't answering. "Pick up Mateo" I said and his phone went straight to voicemail. "Mateo if I call one more time and you don't answer I coming to California" I said annoyed. Voicemail again. "UGH!!" I yelled flinging my phone in the wall and watched as it broke into pieces. "You okay Wendy?" Kelly came in and asked. "Yea I'm fine just nothing" I said smiling. "Oh its just that I heard you say you're going to California... Why?" she asked getting in my business. "I'm-my-uh... my dad is sick again and I'm going to go look for him" I said hanging my head low. "Ahhh..... I'm sooo sorry. I hope he gets better soon though" she said hugging me and even though I didn't want to I hugged her back. "Me too" I said and she ended the hug and walked away. "Nosy bitch."

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