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My head is slumped on the table of the detention rooms. Mr Kim gave us all detentions for being late and Jungkook for being in the wrong place and making a student cry. 

It makes no sense. I swear Mr Kim is using this just for his entertainment!

Jisu sits opposite me, with her eyes glued to me. She keeps on shaking me, but I refuse to look up. "Lena!" She shakes, until I finally give in.

I look up with my messy hair and swollen eyes. She softly looks at me, comforting me by taking my hand, but suddenly clicks when she knows that all my attention is on her. She shakes me excitedly and my hands flops around as she is jumping up and down from her seat. 

"He's like the hottest boy in the school! Why aren't you dating him?" She smiles widely. I slowly sneak my tired eyes behind me to face Jungkook who is nodding in agreement with Jisu's words. 

I roll my eyes at him and turn back to Jisu, who still has a smile, but her smiles soon disappears when Mr Kim walks inside. 

"Eyes at the front!" He demands, whilst slamming his hand on the chalk board, gaining the three of our attentions. 

I gulp hard and give all of my attention to Mr Kim. He drops his things off at the desk and picks up a little chunk of chalk. He begins to write angrily onto the board. Every time he writes a new letter, the chalk slams down onto the board, expressing his emotion.

"Here's what we'll do," He begins, finishes off his words and then looks at the three of us. "You can start explaining the commotion that went on earlier...or, you can stay in here for the full hour and a half. 

I slumped my head back down on the table and wailed. "I have places to be!" I cry, not caring at this point.

I hear large footsteps make there way over to me and then a breath tingles down my spine.

He's next to me! 

"Believe me Lena, I've got places to be too." He spits before walking away. "Now start explaining." He demands. 

I slowly looked up with innocent eyes and creeped my head over to Jungkook who was smirking.

"What?" I moan.

"Nothing." He remarks and slouches back in his chair.

"Eyes at the front! And you," He points at me. "Start talking."

I face the front and roll my eyes at the teacher. "I'll just stay here for the full time." I smile sarcastically, then slump my head back down. 

"Sir!" Jisu's voice beams through my ears. "They were just sorting out a little trouble, that's all."

"Nice try, but I wanna know what kinda trouble we're talking about."

"Relationship troubles." She says quickly, with a little happiness in her tone.

I hear and feel the vibrations of a chair scraping across the floor, then two arms are placed around me. 

"But we're fine now. Aren't we Lena?" Jungkook says, pulling me up from the chair and attempting to walk out with me.

I struggle to get up with him and almost push him back down. I nod in agreement with Jungkook's words. 

"Fine. You can all leave." Those words make me throw his arms away and run out from the classroom. I hear a loud sigh, but I fasten my pace and do not look back. It's after school and I have work to attend.

To get to work on time, I have to be in my school uniform. I think they have some spare, but I can't be late. I quickly run to work. My house, the school and my work are all very close. So when I make it there, I see Jimin only just entering. 

He's quite small and has dirty blonde hair. (Not dirty!! Just dirty blonde :) ) He's fully dressed, making me feel a bit down. I should be a goody two shoes.

When I enter the shop, I'm praying that my Boss isn't in today. Luckily Areum is just at the desk. She smiles a little, but frowns when she sees my outfit. 

"You're lucky we have some spare." She greets me by bowing, but shoves some spare clothes at my chest. Clothes that she pulled out from under the desk. I smile lightly before taking the uniform away from her and entering a little room. 

The room contains a load of plates, but it seems cool to change here. I drop my school bag on the floor and slide off my blazer. I undo my easy-button, blue shirt, revealing my bra and chuck the shirt by my bag. 

Just as I am about to pick up the black, work shirt, they door opens suddenly, making me gasp.

Jimin appears with wide eyes and a wide mouth. He blinks rapidly before looking away.

"S-s-s-s-sorry." He mutters and leaves quickly through the door.

I breath out and quickly change.

When I slowly push open the door, Areum is standing there with a big smirk on her face. I look at the ground and shut the door behind me.

"My fault." She says seriously. "I forgot to tell him you were in there." She busts out in a fit of laughter. 

My arm is the brushed slightly by Jimin, as he opens the door that I came out of. There is a little rattle and then he walks out with a stack of plates, which he carries into the other room. The room full of chefs. 

"I hate my life." I mumble, before stumbling over to take an order. 

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