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Meliodis and Darkside walked down the destroyed road, old stores and old businesses. The sight made Meliodis sick. " Come on Meliodis stop sight seeing." Darkside said watching Meliodis drag his feet. Darkside gave in, " Lets fly, man im tired of walking this is mortal stuff." Darkside said looking around for anyone who could see them. Meliodis stopped and looked up at the sky. "No Darkside. we cant be like them, people will see the dark wings and panic and alert the Gods that we are still out here, and most importantly... together." Darkside stopped his strut. "Ya know, grandma liked me best back when we were, human. And now you see why, buzzkill." A dark cloud formed over Meliodis' head and rain poured on him as he began walking again. " cut it out Marez" Meliodis said swatting the magic away. Darkside laughed at him drenched in water. 

Slowly Darkside and Meliodis made there way to the kingdom of Lions. Two oddly misshapen guards stood at the gates. " 150 coins and you can pass" The bigger of the two said. " how about my foot in your ass you jolly giant." Darkside said drawing his sword from his back. " OK little man lets fight if you win you may enter if you lo-" the guard was cut off mid sentence as Darkside punched him to the ground. " that was a soft punch punk" Darkside said stepping over the Guard and motioning for Meliodis to follow. " Darkside, remember what happened to Jorge during the war." he asked his cousin walking beside him. The streets were busy and full of playful children and adults at shops and in the market. The smell of grilled meat filled Meliodis' nose as they walked past a bar. "yes his brother the Arch angel Giovanni was killed by a high class Demon right?" Darkside asked back. " no it was no Demon, It was the Gods, in fact my father in particular. He warned us about Satan as we were returning from our duties that day, it didnt take long for them to find out he was the one who told and they killed him. Since then Jorge has taken the name Giovanni and vows to kill my father, and im going to help him." Meliodis explained. A hand reached out from the crowd and grabbed Meliodis on the shoulder. " Im glad you still feel that way my brother" 

The two angels turned and saw a cloaked very slim but very muscular man. His face was perfectly sculpted with bronze skin, and his eyes were a bright green, His hair was Jet black and he had a battleaxe on his back. " The Giovanni i know uses a trident and not a battleaxe." Meliodis smiled and hugged his best friend. "Lets go to my house, my wife should be done cooking by now" Meliodis and Darkside paused and looked at each other then in unison they both said, " WIFE??" Giovanni laughed and shook his head up and down. They both entered the house of Giovanni and his wife. Darkside stopped at the door. " Meliodis you sense that dark energy too right." Darkside said. The smiling Giovanni stopped and looked serious. Meliodis smiled again and looked at Darkside. " ya know Marez, your dumber than i remember." Meliodis laughed. " You didnt Giovanni" Darkside said face palming himself. A beautiful woman with long white hair exited the kitchen holding drinks. She smiled a toothy smile and sat the tray down, carefully walked up to Darkside and shoved a knife into his stomach. " yup i remember her now, we saved her from the S class demon clan we took out during the war. She's a noble from a family of S class Demons. Shes a Vampire" Darkside said rubbing the whole in his stomach till it healed. " Meliodis and Giovanni saved me along with the rest of your team, you suggested to leave me and let me die there." she said stabbing him again. " hey i helped anyway didnt i" Darkside cried out from the floor.

After a while of talking Giovanni stood up. " I know why your here, Lio and Darkside." He said pointing to his axe. " we are going" Lena said walking out in armor similar to what Giovanni wears but more feminine. Darkside led everyone into a nearby field, thinking no one noticed he was trying to pick a fight. " not on your left wing, loser" Lena said leaping into the air and summoning a sword. She came down from the air and shoved the blade into Darkside. " you always do this Darkside gee" she said dusting herself off and clinging to Giovanni. "so Aquaman reject, you gonna butt into this feud and tell your wife to chill" Darkside said removing the blade. " yeah babe ease up on him, hes not a bad guy. Besides we all love to fight and see who's strongest." he said cracking his knuckles.

After the battle royal between Darkside, Lena, Meliodis, and Giovanni they all lay in the grass looking at the clouds. The day was beautiful and for a moment you couldn't tell that the world had been destroyed. The crew all stood to their feet to start there journey for the forever linked dragons. Before they could leave the field the group encountered another man who spread his wings and revealed jet black feathers and wings identical to Giovanni and Meliodis and Darkside's. " I sensed this meeting happening, I thought id save you time." Jaylen said as he walked closer to them, Just being near him healed all of their wounds. He was using a spell for healing and cast it around his body. " Hello Gio, and Lio." He said walking up to Darkside. He put one hand over Darkside's chest and pushed slightly, sending Darkside flying through a nearby boulder. Using nearly super speeds Darkside appeared right where he was launched from. He leaned over Jaylen, " Do it again i DARE you" he said smiling a sadistic smile. Jaylen removed his cloak and grabbed his staff off his back. " Fine let me show you how strong ive gotten Darkside."

The Next chapter: Learn the full powers of Giovanni and His wife, along with Jaylen and the Linked Duo of confusion. 

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