Lost for Words

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"The angels of the lords had fortified an old naval base in south-north america, where Florida used to be. They also occupy Germany and Israel." Jaylen explained to Meliodis. Meliodis nodded and proceeded to tell his team to land. They were in what used to be Alabama. Setting up the campsite Darkside goofed around telling jokes and having fun. No one laughed with him. " So how can the Angels be so close to humans yet never be seen by them?" Darkside said. He looked over his shoulder at Giovanni who sat by the river cuddling Lena and fishing. " Hey, Aquaman cant you just, talk to the fish" Darkside joked. No one laughed yet again. Darkside looked around at his friends and noticed they all just tried not to notice him. He walked over to Christopher, and looked into his eyes. For the first time he saw fear in his eyes. Darkside backed away. " Im the son of Satan, this is a fact. But that doesn't mean im a different person. Im half demon, and you guys think less of me now" he said looking at Meliodis with tears in his eyes."i never thought highly of you anyhow" Lena said. Everyone looked at her. "What its the truth" She said. Darkside spread his wings and flew off before anyone could even blink. " Lord Meliodis why didnt you say anything, hes your family actually." Taylor brought up. " He hasnt yet came to terms with the fact his father is the King of Darkness, ill talk to him just not right now." Meliodis said. " Well as to later, how will we find him." Christopher added. Meliodis pointed across the river. " over that hill, over 100 years ago, was once Alexander city. Its where Darkside and I grew up, as humans. We along with other cousins of his used to hang out and play video games at this place we called the hut. The hut was a small building outside our great aunts house. Many good times were formed there. Like the time he and his other cousin locked me and a friend outside of the hut when we really wanted in. We were but teenagers then." Meliodis said smiling at the sky. " So this is North America" Lena asked. " Yes" Meliodis said coming back to reality. "So close to Florida you mean, also meaning close to the Base." Giovanni deducted. Meliodis smiled a devilish grin. Christopher and Taylor both looked at each other and then at Meliodis. " YOU FOOL, you plan to march us into that base and getting us killed." yelled Christopher. Meliodis crossed his arms then folded them. " I sent a message to the Prince of Ruin, hes going to meet us there." Meliodis said. The others looked at him with a surprised look. " When did you do that." Jaylen said but was ignored. " With all of us there plus Lena who is easily just as powerful as Giovanni is, Who can defeat us?" Meliodis asked. Taylor raised his hand and added " Gods" Meliodis ignored this and spoke orders, " lets fly and find my cousin"

Darkside sat in an old chair that remained in his old childhood hangout spot. He looked at the ground and held back tears. A blood red portal made from blood and fire appeared outside of the ruined hut. Darkside sprang up ready to fight. " Ive no intention of fighting you today brother." Death said walking inside. " Father wants us by his side, you mostly" He continued. " Lord Satan has always cared about you, you being in heaven made you unreachable. But now's your chance to join us brother." Ray said walking up to Darkside. Darkside looked at him with a calm smile then using 2 fingers he flicked Ray outside the door and through his portal. Ray stepped back through and punched Darkside in the Jaw, only this time Darkside didnt ragdoll he just stood still looking royally pissed. The skies outside began to darken. " Wait a minute, you hit me first" Ray said trying to back away. Darkside began to smile his usual cocky smile. " Last time we fought, Meliodis and I were playing around" Darkside said as his eyes became black. His voice began to sound as if thousands of spirits all talking at once. Meliodis and the group were arriving on the scene as this happened.

Darkside swung his fist at Ray, but it was caught by a younger kid, now standing in the way of the fight. Darkside realized he couldnt speak meaning he couldnt cast a spell or use words of power. The kid looked up to him and spoke out. " I am Silence your youngest brother." He said. Darkside began to panic after he heard those words coming from the mouth of the kid he could only hear the talking of his brother and no one else. Darkside knew what he had to do. His aura rose and continued to rise, lightning struck the ground around him. The ground under his feet began to burn. In the blink of an eye Meliodis stepped in and hugged his cousin in view of everyone and to their surprise. Sound began to come back to Darkside. Ray and Jessie, Death and Silence escaped through the portal. Darkside's mind began to return and the rage kept on strong. " You fool let go of me before my aura destroys you. " Jamarez remember a long time ago in this exact spot, i made you a promise, I'll always protect you. You are my family, my cousin,...no my brother. No amount of Satan's blood is ever gonna change that. Your a damn good angel, and an even better friend." Meliodis said to his younger cousin. Darkside powered down and his aura calmed, he fell to his knees. " Ill make you a promise, I wont ever forget what you said here today, or how much it truly means to me. Darkside replied hanging his head.

The group welcomed Darkside back. Meliodis instructed them on the plan to take out the Naval base of the angels. Lena stopped Meliodis from speaking. " So how old was Kihion when he died, i noticed you all call him kid" She curiously asked. " 13 years old" Meliodis replied. Lena sat back down realizing how sad it actually was. Meliodis continued his instruction. The group prepared for battle. The team flew into the Florida to the outskirts of the base. Masking their auras, they moved around the wall. " Wheres the brat Meliodis" Chris whispered. Meliodis smiled and pointed up into the sky. Chris saw nothing but sunlight. Seconds after thousands of flaming arrows came descending down onto the base killing hundreds of the angels outside training. Now that the numbers are thinned the group knew they could attack. Giovanni punched a hole into the wall. Darkside conjured a squad of low class demons. The demons and Fallen angels took out the straggling few. "its unfortunate really that this base resides over water." Giovanni said guiding the water with his hands attacking the base preparing to flood it. Christopher and Taylor flew in and took out the reinforcements coming from inside the base. Meliodis flew inside the building only to seconds later stroll out with a dumb smile. He started a fire inside to draw out any remaining Angels. Meliodis enjoyed the screams of burning angels. He remembered why the humans feared them. After the war angels began to take over, raid towns, and do as they pleased treating humankind like animals. A high ranking angel officer named Ashel walked out of the barracks. " Meliodis, I saw your Black as night wings" he yelled out and conjured a sword of pure lightning. " Ill clip those wings for you, take those disgraceful things before Lord Azreal, he will be pleased." he taunted. Jaylen and Lena both dove in on him swords aimed at his head. With a swift movement he dodged the attack by moving slightly left. The two went flying into the ground below making craters where they landed. Darkside followed quickly with a kick to Ashel's side sending him into Meliodis who spiked him into the ground. Meliodis then created a small ball of fire on his fingertips, then slowly he pointed it at Ashel who struggled to get up. The fire burst into Ashel who cried out in agony. the ball exploded and made Ashel's body parts go every where.

Next Chapter: Who knows imma just wing it.,,,,

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