Sacrifice the lamb

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 Meliodis stood outside of the Naval base taking a first night guard shift and talking to Kihon. Darkside walked up to him looking sleepy. " Hey Lord Lio, im gonna hit it for the night if thats cool, i haven't slept in days." he said to his cousin. Lena walked up the the huddle. " Ya know my sister and I used to fight over this territory back when the war started. While the Gods were worried about Satan taking over heaven the demons took over earth, My family was a royal family we led the vampires. Technically im next in line to be queen. I will address that after we kill the Gods that has caused my husband so much grief." She said. Meliodis felt interested by this statement. "So you would have resided somewhere nearby?" Meliodis said. "Yeah we lived in a network of caves, about 5 miles from here is the entrance. Remember where you guys found me, stranded and alone? That castle was above the caves before you guys destroyed it." Meliodis spread his wings and took to the sky. He flew until he got to the destroyed remains of the Castle. He blew a hole through the debris and revealed a set of stairs where the basement used to be. He descended and began to walk down the stairs. He lighted a torch on the wall and continued his path down the dark, dimly lit stairway. He heard the flaps of wings approach him from behind, he sensed it to be Kihon who followed his leader. Kihon caught up but remained silent behind a creeping Meliodis. "My lord why are we here?" Kihon whispered. Meliodis stopped, " i sensed a dark power at play here, so i figured if something is that close to us and that powerful i should handle it." Meliodis said continuing his walk. They walked down into the basement finally which revealed to be a throne room. " LENA???" Meliodis yelled at the woman on the throne. She looked exactly like Lena. She also had Silver hair the only difference is she has a streak of red hair on top of her head. " You know of my twin sister?? Oh where is she, this throne is hers ive taken it as queen until she returns to us at last." The woman said to them. " We found Lena here alone and beaten, she had been abandoned by you and your family and was left here with some pretty strong demons." Meliodis said angrily. " You dont understand, She stayed behind to make sure we escaped. I was sick. I had drank blood from a poisonous demon. She had some of the men carry me away and had our parents drugged and also taken while she fought the demons. We heard angels found her and then she disappeared, i take it that was your team, so please help me find my sister." she said. " How can we trust you, whats your name" Meliodis said. " Selene Queen, it rhymes i know" she said standing. Meliodis thought for a second and then decided to bring this woman to the base. " Let me tie you up, if you allow this ill take you back to your sister right now with no delay. Lets be allies?" Meliodis asked. "Sure" she said walking up to him. " Be careful, i like being tied up mister" she whispered in Meliodis' ear.

Meliodis flew into the base and his voice boomed through out the compound. "Lena, come to the gates" Lena rushed with Giovanni to the gates. She dropped to the ground when she saw the woman before her. " Sister, Sister you, your better. Your alive!!" Lena dropped the cup she was holding and ran to her sister freeing her and hugging her. " Selene why were you alone in a ruined castle?" Meliodis asked. She turned to him and walked close to him. " I wasnt alone, I had everyone else hide until you left. I sensed you all just as you sensed me" she responded. Meliodis admired how smart she was. "So you know i would have eliminated everyone i found as a threat huh?" he said sarcastically. Meliodis smiled at the ground avoiding eye contact with Selene. Lena was happy her sister had returned to her. Giovanni introduced himself as Lena's husband. Selene looked him over. Giovanni was a tall muscular Hispanic man, with long hair he had tattoos all over his body and bright blue eyes as if he contained the oceans waters in his eyes. " He's cute" she said "Good for you Lena" She finished. The group went inside the base to talk further with Selene. Kihon stood guard. Watching the hills on the horizon. He saw how beautiful the moons light was hitting the grass on the fields. Demons arrived in view crawling and flying over the distant hills. Some ran while others flew. Kihon drew his bow from his back. He drew it without pulling a regular arrow from his quiver. He aimed it at the oncoming demons. " I guess they heard all that commotion and grouped up to attack us while they thought we were off guard." Kihon sighed. "I am the wind, I am speed, I am power. Kortihe votomori" his voice got deeper and a golden arrow appeared on the bow ready to be shot. He released the string sending the arrow launching into the hoard of demons running toward his resting team. The arrow exploded into shards of light which killed all of the oncoming demons in one shot. After each shard penetrated its target the shards return to one arrow and formed a black hole, sucking up the remains of the demons sending them into space. Kihon sighed once more and put his bow back on his back and turned to enter the gates of the base. The entire team watched him as he walked inside and put his bow down, sitting beside them around the fire. " So you killed all of the incoming trouble out there?" Darkside said. "Yes brother Darkside, I quelled the angry spirits outside and sent them back to your fathers realm." Kihon said. " How did you know about that?" Darkside asked. " I have always known, you have fangs man and your powers are dark and mysterious" Kihon said sitting next to Christopher. " Okay Christopher, riddle me this, what rises but never falls, it changes forms but ingredients remain the same." Jaylen said to Christopher. " Smoke, Jaylen dont try giving me riddles. Lord Meliodis whats our next move?" Meliodis stood up and paced for a second. " We need to contact my last friend in heaven. But first we have to deal with Darkside's father." Meliodis said. " uh so check this out, Satan is kinda my boss so i have to run everything i do by him" Selene said crossing her arms. Everyone looked at here for a while until she felt uncomfortable. "Darkside's father is King Satan himself, we mean to kill him" Taylor spoke up. "Okay then how do we kill him. I mean i hate him also, Hes just the leader of Hell which is where i draw power." Selene said. " We have to drive a crucifix through his heart " Darkside said. "Its the same weakness i have" Darkside stated. Lena bent over to her bag and pulled out a pointed cross. She stabbed it through Darkside's heart. He looked up at her from his seat. " I thought you'd try it" He laughed. "Im also an Angel of the lord, the actual God not those knock off Gods." Darkside joked. Lena sat back down with a disappointed look on her face. Giovanni stood up as Darkside stood. " Try anything Jamarez and Ill zap you with lightning until you have no cells left to regenerate from." He challenged the demonic looking warrior. "oh so we just ignore she tried to kill me just now? Shes a big girl let me fight her, please just once" Darkside begged. 

In a matter of minutes Darkside and Lena stood opposite each other on the field outside the base. Giovanni stood idle watching and Selene was with him. Meliodis stood in between them to initiate the fight. " Rules are, no death, well no killing Lena" Meliodis said. Meliodis walked out of the way and motioned for the fight to start. Darkside clapped his hands together and a flaming double bladed sword appeared one blade looked demonic while the other had a golden glow like a holy sword. " okay lets dance princess" Darkside said. " Its Queen to you buddy" Lena said unsheathing her sword from her side. Both moving at super speeds clashed. " You dont know what im capable of Darkside" Lena said showing fangs. Darkside showed his fangs in return. Lena lept into the sky and magic circles formed around her aimed at her opponent. " Iportenem prisconen  zelotolen" Lena cried out. Fireballs begin to rain down from the circles and explode when they hit Darkside. Darkside went flying to the otherside of the battlefield, Lena sped over to him stabbing her sword into his stomach to keep him in place. " Pretestetool" she said conjuring a lightning based ball of fire in her hands. Darkside spread his wings and lifted off the ground flying into the night air. " Darkness becomes you" He said draining the moonlight from the area. " I can see in the dark" she said as her eyes began to glow red. Meliodis went from sitting on the grass to standing, the fight was about to get interesting. Darkside swooped down and punched at her, but she continuously dodged and punched back. Darkside jumped back and clenched his sword, he looked angry. "Lets go then Barbie" he said throwing down his sword and posing in a tiger stance. Darkside had always been skilled in martial arts every since he was in the United states Navy when he was human. He attacked Lena until she tired out. Then he again grabbed his sword and slowly walked toward her. She lay on the ground grunting in pain. " You damned fool you did more than punch me. I feel your power surging through me." Meliodis walked and stood in front of Giovanni blocking his path from interfering. Darkside had pushed his energy into her with every punch he landed. His dark magic began to drain her power and slowly she was getting more and more tired.  "let me pass Meliodis" Giovanni said. " If you insist to interfere then you will face me, Jorge" Meliodis responded. Lena lept to her feet and rushed over to Darkside slashing at him with her sword. Darkside grabbed the blade mid air. He crushed the sword in his hands then grinned an evil smile. " I am a demon after all huh" Darkside said declaring victory. He helped Lena over to her husband. " So id appreciate it if you would stop trying to kill me please Queen Lena" Darkside said. 

Meliodis got order amongst his team after the fight ended. Kihon was instructed to send a spacial arrow through the heavens as a message to an old ally of Meliodis'.  After it was returned with a reply the team geared up and prepared to enter Hell.

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