Spawn (Samifer, Mpreg) Part 2

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Cute Fan art above! Once again NOT mine! Full Credits to the artist!
This Chapter Includes: Mpreg (Male Pregnancy) if you're uncomfortable with that you probably shouldn't read this story! Those that are comfortable reading that, enjoy!
About a week after that night at the motel with Lucifer, Sam began to throw up almost every morning. After the first three or so mornings of him waking up and immediately throwing up the last thing he ate, Dean began to get worried and wanted to take his little brother to the doctor to ensure he was ok. Sam had never been a huge fan of doctors and blamed his sickness on the flu or a stomach bug but the more times he got sick the more Dean worried about him causing Sam to take precautions to ensure Dean didn't know he was still throwing up. After two days of hiding his throwing up, Dean dropped the subject thinking Sam got over whatever sickness it was when in reality, Sam was throwing up just as much as before.

Sam was getting worried when he continued to throw up, was getting constant headaches, random stomach cramps and just overall feeling like shit. Being a researcher and all, Sam decided to take to the internet to see what could possibly be wrong with him. The only answers he got from the internet were that he either had the flu like he thought or...he was pregnant. The thought of himself being pregnant caused an unpleasant feeling to course over his body but Sam knew he couldn't be pregnant! Men don't get pregnant and he has seen his medical records enough times to know he wasn't intersex or anything.

Deciding to just take it easy and continue to hide his continuous barfing and other symptoms from his big brother, Sam lasted about two more weeks before it became obvious to Dean that Sammy wasn't ok.

Sam woke up early in the morning of the third week since his and Lucifer's time together and immediately ran to the bathroom feeling the now regular feeling of his stomach wanting to empty itself. He kneeled down in front of the toilet before releasing his stomach's contents into the toilet bowl. He was too focused on the action and hazed with nausea to notice Dean come in to the bathroom.

"Sammy! Are you ok? Ok sorry dumb question." Dean chuckled nervously as he rubbed circles on his little brother's back.

"I'm fine Dean." Sam croaked looking up at his brother tiredly.

"Clearly you're not. I thought you were better Sam. Tell me, has this still been going on for the past two weeks?" Dean demanded angrily. Sam tried to ignore the question looking back at the toilet flushing it.

"Sammy! Has it still been going on?" Dean barks even harsher than before.

"Yes! Ok, yes!" Sam said in a cracked voice once more.

"God Sammy, why didn't you tell me? This could be serious! I'm taking you to the doctor today no if's or but's about it! Capeesh?" Dean asks in an angry voice but concern in his eyes.

"Ok." Sam replies somewhat scared but deciding he's done enough hiding and wants to know what really is wrong with him. After cleaning himself as well as the washroom up, Sam changed into his clothes for the day before Dean and him grab some food on the way to the doctor's office. The smell of the food would normally entice the younger Winchester but today, the smell only makes him want to puke but he doesn't want to sound picky or worry Dean more so he simply eats the food not listening to his body.

After finishing the food the two boys drive the classic car down the road before arriving at the doctor's office in record time. They make their way into the building with Sam taking a seat in the uncomfortable waiting room chairs while Dean signs Sam in. Dean takes a number and waits until they get called into the office, Dean joining his brother wanting to know what's wrong just as much as Sam, probably more. Once in the office, Sam takes a seat on the paper covered metal desk while Dean takes a seat on the chair directly beside. The doctor comes into the room shutting the door before taking a seat across from Sam.

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