shipping positivity prompt 2

164 11 2

Prompt: Fighting
Ship: PokeShipping

Ash had been through his share of girlfriends, and they all had different ways of being angry. May yelled, Iris stomped her feet, Serena pouted. But worst of all, perhaps-

Misty. If looks could kill-ah, she could make a guy go from defiant to begging for forgiveness in seconds. Ash wasn't sure, she just had something about her that pulled him in. Misty was stubborn about love, yet flirtatious at the same time.

Of course, during fights, Ash always starts out cocky and sure of his win. Then, Misty sharply fires back and Ash gets frustrated. Ash yells, possibly throwing things if it's bad. Then.

The look. The look of disappointment.

Ash falls to his knees, and declares his surrender, as hard as it is. Misty reigns supreme, and stands tall and proud. If Ash is having an especially bad day, though, Misty sticks out her hand to help him up. During those moments, Ash realizes she's definitely a keeper. Sometimes the girls who make you feel the worst can make you feel the best, too.

short but I was too lazy to write more :P

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