New girl..

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Picture to the side of Di'onne

Di'onne POV

Hey. Im Di'onne and im 17 years old. I am Puerto Rican, Bajan, American, Greek and Jamaican, its a weird mix i know. Im 5'6, have grey eyes, light brown/blonde hair not natural colour, plump lips, and im thick. I live with my father, Barrington Matthews (Barry), step mom Carrissa Matthews, my two younger sisters, Alisha Matthews who is 14 years old and K'marni Matthews who is 6 years old.                                            My mom and dad split up when i was 10 years old and i havent heard from her since, dad said that mum was having a hard time before they split. I remember briefly when she would come home stinking of alcohol and weed, at the time i didnt know what weed or anything was so i was mostly scared and confused at the sight of her. That was a depressing time in my life and to be honest, im glad her crack ass is out of my life now. She never gave two shits about her family. 

So, my father works as an engineer and just got a new promotion in Cali, which means we all had move down there. I wasnt so happy about it.. but i decided to be 'pleasant'. But goshh my new home was BIG, im talking mansion size and i had my own bedroom and onsuite, pool in the backyard and a cinema, i was so gassed. 

Anyway, i wasnt so happy about leaving all my friends in la, and starting a new school. But i was going to make an effort for my family.

*School Morning*

Great. The day finally came. I could hear voices coming from downstairs which meant everyone was up. Im a late sleeper. My sister K'marni came bursting through my door as hyper as ever. 

"Di, di! Yaya said get ready cause she gon' drop yew and lisha to school," she said while clinging onto my leg. "alrightt, tell mama im coming. Now get off me troll" I said and she ran off in her dora pj's. I laughed and got into the shower.

20 minutes later i was washed and creamed my body and was ready to get dressed. I decided to wear a brown mini skirt and an aztec print tube top with a few gold bangles. I moisturized my hair to activate my blonde curls, puts on a bit of mascara and put some eos lip balm on my lips. I ran downstairs to see everyone at the dining table eating breakfast. I smiled at the sight of my happy family. 

"You look nice sweety, breakfast is on the side" my dad said,    I nodded and brought my egg on toast to the table and began eating it. 

I noticed Alisha smiling hard at her phone, giggling like a bitch to herself. Probably texting her little boyfriend Casey. Cute

I washed up my plate and everyone else's. I put on my Air J's 10, and picked up my black satchel bag. I gave my dad a kiss on the cheek, and hugged Ki'marni then went outside and sat in my step moms Range Rover waiting for their slow selves. 

*10 mins later, arriving at school*

As me and Alisha walked into school grounds nuff man were staring at alisha like she was a peice of meat which i didnt like, and a bunch of girls were giving us made dirty looks and whispering in eachothers ears. Didnt effect me though. But Alisha was just waving at all the boys who gave her attention and smiling all up her face. What the hell? I studied my sisters outfit. Light blue ralph polo, high waisted denim black shorts and some blue and black air js. I shook my head at the sight of her little ass cheeks hanging out.

"whats wrong with you?" Alisha questioned. I kissed my teeth  "you aint grown. so i dont know why you're dressing like you are. Forreal, nobody wanna see your ass hanging out" I spat.   "that aint what they think.." she said rolling her eyes and walking away to a bunch of boys and two girls who i could tell were immidiate hoes. I hope my sister knows what shes doing and dosent mess with the wrong crowd. Shes 14 looking 16.  

I walked along the corridoor and found locker #577, i opened it up to check my schedual for the day. Science, English Lit, Design, double maths and lastly Drama. Ugh, i hate drama. I collected up all i needed and shut my locker. I had no idea where my first class was so i walked around trying to look for the room. The bell rang. 

"Shit" i mumbled, i still had no idea where to go. 

"Excuse me?" i deep voice said from behind me. I jumped. Turning round to see a big chest in my face. I looked up to this guys face. He was a milk chocolate tone and had a fresh shape up, a little facial hair, hazel eyes and two slits in his right eyebrow. Fuck. Ive been staring for too long.

"uhh.., sorry. um,  im new heree a-an- and-" he cut me off.   

"yeah i can see you're new. I didnt think you would be dumb though, you should be in class" he stated. Rude. "so should you." i bounced back. I began to walk off not knowing where i should be in.

"OI" he shouted, i stopped a little shook. He sounded angry.  "what class are you meant to be in?" he asked.     

"Um..Science. Room 10A." I said. He stared at me hard, as if he was studying me. I felt a little unceomfortable so I crossed my arms. 

He cleared his throat,  "down those steps, first to your left"

I nodded thankfully and ran off as i was already 8 minutes late on my first day. UURRGHH. I walked into class and all eyes travelled to me. 

______________________________________________________________________________First proper attempt at a story. Tell me what you guys think? Good or nah?? 

-Marnieee x

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