Chapter 24

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(A/n): here's where I change some things to kind of make the plot work when I write the sequel I'm planning on making.

     (Y/n) walked through the streets for yet another Servamp meeting. It seemed to be becoming a common thing and the idea crossed her mind about just making a schedule for them, but she didn't really mind either way.

     "We always meet up at restaurants..." Kuro yawned in his cat form from atop of (y/n)'s shoulder.
     "Well if you have a different suggestion I'm sure the others will be all ears" the girl said knowing what his answer would be.
     "Nah, that's too much trouble if you ask me..." he said tiredly. "How are you feeling..?" He changed the subject lifting his head up slightly. The girl was forcing herself into being with a chaotic group of people while she was in minimal condition, and it made the vampire worry.
     "Uhm" she hummed looking up to the sky as she walked, "I'd say I'm at a solid..." she but her lip and thought for a moment. "Sixty... si-seven percent.." She finished, her words were dragged out as if to make sure she was saying  She the right numbers.
     "It's not too late to bail.."
     "It's fine~" she scoffed. "Everything's fine Kuro, you care more than I do..."
     The vampire huffed. The girl was back to being stubborn but who was he to talk? He did the same to her. He'd just have to go with it and keep an eye on her.


     It took much longer to walk to the meeting place this time. The girl didn't have much energy to begin with and what she had was only enough for her to maintain her false attitude.
     "Oh thank god we're here.." she mumbled as she approached the door. She stepped inside being instantly greeted by Lawless and Lilly. She felt Kuro leave her shoulder and take his other form the moment they were fully inside.
     "Ah~! There you two are~" Lilly greeted, waving the two over to the table.
     The girl looked back to Kuro for a moment before leading the way to the table with everyone else.
      "I was starting to think you weren't going to show" Lawless budded in.
      "Sorry.." (y/n) said sheepishly, she could already tell that her voice was reflecting her exhaustion and she'd have to hide that too. "It took longer than I thought to get here.." she sat with the group and looked to see who all was there. Lilly and Misono, Lawless and his eve, and envy who was yet again under the table away from the rest.
     "No wrath this time?" (Y/n) asked.
     "Well, she said she was coming.. but we haven't seen her yet." Lilly responded.
     "I'm sure she'll show.." the girl said before looking up to Lawless and his eve. "I haven't really met you yet have I?" She said to the black haired boy.
     "Oh, right! This stunning angel is 15 year old Licht Jekylland Todoroki! We just came from Europe not too long ago to spread his amazing music!" Lawless answered.
     "Really? That's cool" she smiled to mask the fact that she sounded pretty bad at the moment.
     "Of course it is, I'm an angel after all." Licht responded as lawless praised him some more.

     (Y/n) nodded not really knowing how to respond to such an act. She decided it would just be easier to change the subject yet again.
     "So, Lilly and Misono, was there something you wanted to discuss or..?" The girl asked.
     "Oh, not exactly." Lilly started.
     Misono seemed to finish off that his Servamp has started saying, "Snow Lilly thought it would to be a good idea to check up on everyone every once and a while since C3 is still a threat." He said. "I also thought it would be convenient if we discussed a set date to meet again and possibly make this a regular event."
     "I was thinking that too actually" (y/n) said as she set her arms on the table.
     "Were you really?" Kuro asked, finally contributing to the conversation. "Such a pain."
     "Oh c'mon, they're your siblings" The girl said, slightly scolding Kuro.
     He shrugged and leaned onto her. "it just seems like a lot of work..." he mumbled.
     "Oh shush, you don't do anything anyways" she joked and brushed through his hair momentarily. A few in the group smirked not being noticed by anyone else.

[By chance...] ~Servamp~ (sleepy ash)Kuro x Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now