2. The Office

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Clarke stops in front of the main doors and adjusts her leather jacket as kids push by her. She was so close to death a few seconds ago, but she would give anything to be back in the parking lot then standing at the entrance of her prison for the next 6 hours.

It's not that Clarke hates learning, she just hates the concept of high school. Plus she's already learned everything, like seven times over but whatever... Now to find the principal's office or whatever office to get her schedule and do whatever welcoming crap the school had planned. Like every other dumbass school I've ever attended, she mutters to herself as she steps through the doors of Ton DC High. I wonder if they'll even have a welcome guide, she thinks sarcastically.


Bellamy made his way into the school, no longer caring if he was late or going to be suspended- finding out who that blonde was- that was more important. He needed to know who the hell she was... and if he could have her.

"Yo who was that though?" He hears Murphy ask Lincoln. "She was fineee."

Lincoln, being reasonable as always responds with, "Oh I don't know, we've never seen her and we go to a small school. She must be new." His smart response earns him another jab from Murphy which of course is retaliated by a slap upside Murphy's head. Murphy laughs and shakes his dreads.

"Whatever man," he chuckles easily. "I'll catch up with you goons later. I need some Emori time." Murphy winks and walks away after thrusting his hips

"Mr. Murphy," booms a voice. "There will be no pelvic thrusting in my halls." Principal Shumway appears out thin air, his cold voice stopping the three boys. "Lincoln, I can trust that you will escort Mr. Murphy and yourself to homeroom on time?" Lincoln nods, his military upbringing enforcing his behavior. He pushes past Bellamy and mutters good luck, dragging Murphy with him down the hall.

"Mr. Blake, please step into my office."

Bellamy sighs and stomps past Shumway, his black boots scuffing the tiled floor. What a dick.


Clarke has been waiting in the office for 20 minutes now. Well at least I don't have to deal with homeroom, she chuckles to herself, as she props her feet up on a small table. As she closes her eyes, she hears the door open and a voice she assumes is the principal goes, "Mr. Blake, please step into my office." She opens her eyes to see the kid from the parking lot moping behind the principal, who stops in front of her. Now what?

"Ms. Griffin, I'm assuming," the man says. Clarke briefly nods. "Please remove your filthy shoes from my table and stand." Clarke rolls her eyes but follows directions. She notices 'Mr. Blake' watching her so she slips him the bird. He smirks and follows suit.


Damn, who the hell was this girl?  Shumway is talking but Bellamy isn't listening, he doesn't give a rat's ass about him or whatever bullshit he's spouting. The girl, Griffin, was stoically standing next to him, her arms crossed against her chest causing Bellamy to notice the bulge of muscle strain agains the sleeves of her jacket. I can tell she's ripped and she has a leather jacket on, a fucking leather jacket, he thinks in disbelief. She notices him staring at her and glares before nudging her elbow into his ribs. He grimaces in pain but turns to Shumway, who is glaring.

"Uh sorry," Bellamy deadpans. "Did I miss something?"

"No, not at all," deadpans Shumway. "But you did just volunteer to show Clarke to her first class and agree to detention this week." So that's her name... Wait what??

"Um sir, I didn't volunteer for anything. And what's with this detention bullshit?"

"You just did and I could suspend you,  but I'll start with detention since it's the first week. Now leave my office." Shumway turned to the girl; "Goodbye Clarke, have a good first day."

"Wait!" The girl snapped. "We're supposed to discuss independent study or whatever bullshit you mentioned on the phone." Bellamy starts to laugh but Shumway glares at him so he coughs to cover it. Well fuck, I think I might like this Clarke Griffin, a princess with an attitude.

"Sir, with all due respect I need to do independent study! I've been to too many schools and-" She stopped short and looked at like uh do you mind?  Bellamy rolls his eyes but steps back from the convo; it was the perfect opportunity to check out the rest of her sweet bod. This girl...

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