7. Stormcloud

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Octavia looked up from her sketch as an angry Clarke marches across the room, an angry and charged storm of rage. What's the matter with her?

"Whoa, Griffin," Monty says as Clarke plops onto her stool next to Octavia. "I think your golden locks are actually lightning bolts!" 

Jasper smirks and reaches a tentative hand out to Clarke who whips an icy glare at him. He freezes sheepishly with a goofy smile on his face, his hand still outstretched. "Ooh, not electric, Monty," Jasper says. "But I think she just froze me with her eyes so maybe she's a hail storm?"

"Can it, Goggles," Clarke huffs angrily, but Octavia can tell that the darkness swirling in Clarke has diminished slightly. Should I ask her what's wrong?

"You too, Greene." Monty shrugs innocently. Octavia starts to laugh. 

"Hey, we talked about this! It's Jasper, Griffin! Same as it was three weeks ago! Also, can you unfreeze me? My arm is tired."

Clarke barks out a laugh and nods her head, "Yeah alright Jasp, you're free."

"Sweeeeet!" Jasper turns to Monty and the pair begin an intense game of hangman.

"So what's eating you, Clarke?" Octavia asks, glad to see her friend out of her mood.

"Your darling brother," Clarke responds with fakeness oozing with every word. Jasper and Monty laugh- they know all about Bellamy.

"Isn't he just a doll?" Octavia shoots back, matching Clarke's tone. Octavia shoots a wide smile and Clarke laughs in response. 

"I have to tutor him! And Shumway took away Art from me!" Whaatt? This can't be happening! Octavia thinks to herself.

"That sucks," Monty quips.

"Yeah," Jasper agrees. "Almost as much as Monty at hangman!"

"Hey!" Shouts Monty.

"Hey!" Jasper yells back.



"Hey!" exclaims Clarke as she reaches across the table and slaps the back of their heads. Octavia bursts out laughing at the look on the boys' faces; both resemble sad puppy dogs.

"Sorry, boys!" Octavia exclaims breathlessly from laughing. "I would've done the same!" Octavia turns to Clarke as the bell rings, signaling the end of the day.

"Clarke, what are you doing later? Wanna come hang? Maybe spend the night?"

"Can't," Clarke says as she stands, seemingly anxious to get out the door. "I have to get the girls and then I'm uh meeting my uh band..." Her voice trails off and Octavia almost misses the whispered ending.

"Ohmygosh what? A band?" Octavia squeals and jumps up from her seat. The preppy girl begins to bounce on her toes, sending her curled hair flying. "Ohmygosh can I come to your practice!?"

"What? Clarke's in a band!?" Jasper and Monty ask at the same time, the same dumbfounded look on each of their faces.

"We are officially in the presence of a badass, ladies and gentlemen!" Jasper calls, earning him a few odd looks from classmates as they hurry around the small group to get out the door. Monty bows theatrically to which Clarke rolls her eyes.

"And this is why I didn't want to tell you," Clarke says bashfully. Octavia takes in the blonde girl's stance and notices Clarke's white-knuckled grip on her bag strap and her downward gaze. I guess even badasses like Clarke get feelings.

"Hey," Octavia says softly. Clarke glances from her scuffed boots and Octavia offers a small smile which Clarke returns. "Come on, let's get out of here." Octavia loops her arm through Clarke's and pulls the blonde out of the room.

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