10. Panic Ensues

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Bellamy could not think straight, as he followed Raven's blue car up the winding to Diana Sydney's hilltop mansion. My sister, my responsibility. "Yo man, chill," says Murphy from his slouched position in the passenger seat, his muddy boots up on the Rover's dash. Bellamy glares at his friend, leaning over to roughly push Murphy's feet off of the dashboard. "Feet off the dash, you ass," Bellamy growls. "And I will not chill. My sister, my responsibility."

"You're acting like something terrible happened, man," Murphy quips, shaking his dreads out of his face. "She's with badass Princess Griffin- nothing is happening." Bellamy shakes his head. "You don't even know Griffin. None of us know her. The princess could be a total psychopath for all we know."

"Yeah but she's a hot psychopath," Murphy laughs. As Bellamy rounds the bend in his Rover, the mansion suddenly comes into view. "Wow. Princess is a rich, hot psychopath." Both Bellamy and Murphy stare in awe at the massive home as Bellamy slowly comes to a stop behind Raven. "Get out Murphy," Bellamy says as he jumps from the Rover, slamming the door as he stalks over to where Raven is leaning against her car and checking her phone, a frown on her face as she massages her bad leg. "What's up?" Bellamy says as leans against Raven's car to wait for Murphy to stop gawking at the mansion and mosey his way on over to them. "Is it your leg?"

"Ah don't pretend to care, Blake," Raven says with a sneer. "You and I aren't friends."

"Noted," Bellamy mutters darkly. 

"Yo Cockroach," calls Raven. "Get your ass over here; I need to go to talk to Diana." Murphy turns to look at them and salutes mockingly before sauntering over. "Damn," he says as he reaches the duo by Raven's car. "I don't see why Griffin is always such a pissy bitch. I mean does she not know that she lives in a mansion?" Raven sighs as she turns away to limp up the front walkway to the house. "There's more to happiness than a mansion, you idiot," she calls. Murphy shakes his head in wonder but lopes after Raven, leaving Bellamy to ponder Clarke and her life. The princess has seemingly everything and yet, does she even want it? And what did Kane mean? What secrets are hidden in this place?

"Yo, Blake!" yells Murphy from the front door, causing Bellamy to shake his head in surprise and as a way to clear his thoughts. "Diana made snacks and I'm starved, let's go." Bellamy shakes his head in annoyance but walks up the walkway to the mansion. Once inside Bellamy can do nothing more than gape in amazement as the luxurious of it all.

"Ah you must be Mr. Bellamy Blake," comes a soft but demanding voice. Bellamy whips around to see the one and only Diana Sydney gazing at him with a look of distaste from the vast stairway. 

"Yes ma'am," Bellamy responds politely, already not liking Clarke's aunt. Diana nods and makes her way down the stairs to stop in front of him. "I know your father," Diana says evenly. "Marcus Kane is an honorable man and trusted friend. Hopefully he raised you with similar standards, otherwise, you and I will not get along."

Bellamy could feel his face getting hot as he folded his hands into fists to stop them from shaking. What the hell was that supposed to mean? "Kane's only my adopted parent," he chokes out. "And I learned how to 'behave' well before I met him." Diana simply raised an eyebrow in response and graciously swept her hand in the direction of a hallway. "The kitchen is this way. Try not to touch anything, Mr. Blake; Clarke has enough cleaning to do as it is." Diana turned on her heel and sauntered towards the kitchen, expecting Bellamy to follow. Bellamy glared after her for a few seconds but slowly loped down the extravagant hallway towards his friends. This woman is a goddamn nightmare, no wonder Clarke hates her. O, you are so dead when I find you for making me have to deal with this witch. 

As Bellamy makes his way down the hall, a large abstract painting catches his eye. The painted swirls of grey and burnt sienna, marked by patches of blue and red emulate the feeling of nostalgia but also grief. As he steps closer to examine it, a voice startles him.

"That's one of hers," says Diana cooly. She steps closer to stand at Bellamy's side in front of the painting. 

"Pardon?" Bellamy asks, embarrassed at being caught gawking. He looks over at the stoic woman on his right. "Clarke did this," Diana says with a sigh. "Shortly after my late sister's husband died, which was, unfortunately, a few months before my sister herself passed away. My sister insisted in hanging this up as a way to handle her grief, and for Clarke to express hers. Personally, I think it should have been auctioned off at some charity event, along with several other pieces from that time."

"Why do you think that?" Bellamy asks softly, curious about Clarke's life. 

Diana looks over at Bellamy. "If you know anything about art, then you know why; Clarke is talented and she needs to start making her mark. Now come into the kitchen before your charming  friend Mr. Murphy eats all of the food." Diana once again turns on her heel and stalks away, her gait expelling power and control with every step. This time around Bellamy quickly follows her, only to be bombarded by Raven as soon as he reaches the kitchen with Diana.

"Diana," Raven practically yells. "Where do the twins go to school again?" Diana looks alarmed at the sudden intensity by Raven.

"Ms. Reyes, you will not shout at me in my own kitchen."

"My bad, Misses Di but this is important!" Raven replies as she limps over waving her phone. A news article is pulled up but Bellamy can't read it clearly. 

"My girls attend the only private school in Polis, Polis Charter Arts" Diana replies stiffly. "Clarke usually leaves TOn DC by 3 o'clock and has the girls back here by 5:30 at the absolute latest. Why?"

Raven ignores the question and shoots out one of her. "Do you know an 'Indra's Cafe' by any chance?" Diana shakes her head quizzically but Bellamy's heart suddenly feels tight.

"I do," he says. "It's about 5 blocks from Polis Charter Arts. I used to bring O there all the time when we lived in Polis. But why is this important?"

"Because of this," replies Murphy from his seat at the counter, a plate of fresh cookies and apple slices in front of him. He twists slightly and flicks a remote at a TV on the wall. A 'Breaking News' segment is being played, with Indra's Cafe being the main focus; but that's not the only thing that catches Bellamy's attention. It's the vintage black pickup truck parked out front. Oh shit, Princess. 

"Why does a gunpoint robbery for some small cafe concern me?" asks Diana. "It is almost seven o'clock and I have yet to hear from Clarke or see my daughters." Raven rolls her eyes at Diana's ignorance as if used to it, but Bellamy knows that Murphy's disgusted look on his face only mirrors his own as he stares at Diana in disbelief. 

"Because of this!" Raven says as Murphy pauses the television for her and gets up to point out the black truck in the corner of the screen. "That's Clarke's truck."

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