Chapter 3- WHAT THE HELL?!?!

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Delaneys POV
"OK class so, The first 3 days you will be buying merch and setting up your rooms and getting situated. On Thursday you will be allowed to go on rides. On Saturday and Sunday, the whole class will be going to a place to get jobs. And by jobs I mean you will be assisting people in their jobs. oh, and your whole group has to agree on it. So that's the first week." Mr.Breth explains waiting a minute for us to whine and shut up.

"The next week, you will be training and Adopt a pet," Mr.Breth says waiting a minute for all of us to either raise our hands and ask questions, freak out, or be confused as hell. "Hold questions till I finish explaining this next week," Mr.Breth says and my hand goes down. "Brianna and Anna please calm down." "Won't work Mr.Breth, Give them an extra minute or two," I say giving up hope on my two hilarious friends.

"Ok, Now when you adopt your pets, you can adopt up to 5 per team. Basically, everyone in your team gets to have a pet. But there is a catch. If you all choose to get a pet it has to be the same species, breed, and same gender." Mr.Breth explains. "DEAL!" Brianna And Anna exclaim loudly. Getting laughs from the class. "Brianna and Anna, I won't say this again. KEEP YOUR OUTBURSTS TO A MINIMUM!" Mr. Breth yells making everyone shut up.

"Yes, sir." Brianna and Anna say depressed. "Thank you."

"Now, That will be the WHOLE week. After that week, We will test the pets that you have chosen. Their names, Gender, and Breed is the info we need from you. We will be testing your pets on Communication, Which is how well your pet listens to your commands. Independence, Which is to see if it will do anything bad like go to the bathroom on the floor or scratch the couch or something. And If it's Behaved, As in where you take it on walks and if It barks or If you have a cat and you bring it somewhere, will it hiss." Mr.Breth explains. "OK. NOW ask questions." Mr.Breth says and my hand shoots up first.

"Yes, Delaney," Mr.Breth says picking me. "Um, What if our whole group Doesn't get pets. Like what if it's just 3. Also, Does it have to be only cats and dogs or can we choose different pets?" I ask.

"Ok, The only pets you can choose are Birds, Dogs, And Cats. And if only two to three people in your group get pets then they have to be different pets. So if it's two people it has to be A cat and a Dog. If it's three it has to be Bird, dog, and cat. If it's one. The whole group has to choose it. If you only get one pet Please come to me and I will explain separately. And you aren't allowed to get 4 people getting pets. Either One, two, three, or five people get pets." Mr.Breth says.

"Yes, sir!" Everyone says. "And after the tests which will take two to three days. you can pack and go on rides." Mr.Breth says. "YAY!" Everyone exclaims. "OK, now Charlotte and Brianna's group go get your bags and go to your suites. Everyone else goes to Carol." Mr.Breth instructs and we all do as told.

OK guys, So this is about the longest all of the chapters will be. Again this is based off a dream I had soooooo a lot of interpretation (gem here, just saying hi to see who notices) is going into this, I remember the dream but it's not like I remember every living word they said. ANYWAY GUYS! BAI!


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