Part 14- Break out???

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Delaneys POV

I awoke from my deep sleep in a  Prison cell with Shula.

"Where are we? Where are the others?" I ask, the already awake, Shula. "There is another Prison Cell somewhere. Probably nowhere near us. That they're located." Shula guesses.

"hmmm," I hum, agreeing. "That Gem girl does not like us, that's a fact." "Yea, shes really nice in our world but uh, here, not so much," I say. Getting up and walking to the cell bars, 

"So, how are we gonna get out?" I ask. "I've been trying to figure that out for the past ten minutes," Shula says. I scan the room. "Hey, can I get on your back for a second. I wanna see where we are." I Say. "Ok," Shula says and goes over to the cell window.

She then kneels and puts her head down. I then step on her back and use the little upper body strength I have to lift myself a little higher to see out.

"Hmm, it looks like were on ground level, and were in the town so, breaking out the window is not gonna help," I report.

"Got it, now please step off my back before I die." Shula, sarcastically adds. "Right, sorry." I apologize and step off.

I scan the room again and see a vent on the wall. I look at Shula and she shakes her head no while I shake mine yes.

"Do you want to stay cursed or not?" I ask. "Fine." She says.

"But how will we open it? We dont have a screwdriver." "Then let's make one!" I exclaim. "How?" "You'll see," I say.

I find a stick and then a metal thing. I find a rock in the corner and starts bashing the metal thing on it, it then breaks and has a point.

I then take off my shoelace and tie the stick and metal part together and point to the place for Shula to crouch. She lets out a groan then gets In position, I step on top of her and then try using the makeshift screwdriver. I get the bottom two screws out before the stick breaks.

Damn it! I think. I then grab the top of it and pull it. Then another screw comes loose and I just grab that screw and start twisting it. "Delaney! I hear footsteps!" "Shit!" I whisper back and jump down. 

I then put the broken makeshift screwdriver under a pillow and then sit on the bed, playing with my nails while Shula grabs the bars and shakes them.

"Ey! Keep it down over here. You're not getting out whether you like it or not." the guard says and While he's turned Shula grabs the keys.

"Nice one Shula!" I congratulate. "We're not gonna use them for our cage though. If the others are stilled closed in then well use them but that will make too much noise so we're gonna travel through the vents." Shula says, I then nod my head and she gives me the Keys. 

I clip them to my jean straps and then step on her back. I then start twisting the screw again and it comes out. "Yes!" I whisper. "One more," I say and try using my nail. "Let me try," Shula says, I step off her back and get into position while she breaks my back.

She then steps off, with the screw in her hand. "Now we have to put some makeshift pillow versions of us. I'll watch, you make." She nods her head in agreement while I put my face to the bars, looking.

She then taps my shoulder. Signaling shes done. She then climbs onto my back and climbs through. I throw her the keys and throw her the vent lid and the screws. I then jump as High as I can and barely grab onto the edge.

Shula grabs my hands and pulls me up as far as possible. I use my knees as leverage to help me. I then put the vent back and put the screws in, Then clip the keys back on and nod at her, signaling we can leave now.

We travel through the Vents and then see Anna with Fia down below. We smile and then open the vent door and put it in the vents. Then drop down. "Sup girls!" We whisper. "You came to save us, thank god!" Anna thanks. "Whisper!" I Whisper yell at her. "Sorry." She whispers.

"It's fine. Now let's get out." I say and grab the keys. I use one of them and luckily, its the right one. I open the cell door and they all file out. I then close and lock it. And we roam around to find Bri. We then run into a guard and run the opposite way, and run into a closet before he saw us.



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