Chapter 6- FT or AC??

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Annas POV
I and Brianna stare at the glorious sights. I look at Delaney And Shula now that they JUST realized who was in front of us. I wonder what we're gonna have to do.

"Hello, Are you girls. Fiammentia, Anna, Delaney, Shula, And Brianna?" A red-haired boy asks. "OMG ITS KARMAAA!!!!" Delaney screams. Jumping up and down, eyes sparkling. "AND NAGISA! DONT FORGET HIM YOU, DEVIL!" Shula yells at Delaney, whos also jumping up and down.

"ARE YOU GUYS COMPLETLY MISSING THE FACT THAT GRAY AND NATSU ARE HERE TOO?!?!!?" I and Brianna scream at them. Because were both offended on their parts.

"IM guessing you guys are," Nagisa says and Fia slowly nods her head. "Right so, you guys have two options. There are objects in our worlds that you guys need. We need you guys to choose which realm you want to go in." Gray says. "Got it." "PLease, pick your sides now by WALKING over to the people you choose," Natsu says.

I and Brianna walk so fast towards Gray and Natsu it's rediculous.

Delaney and Shula do the same as us but towards Karma and Nagisa.

Fia does eni minie miney moe and lands on Delaney and Shula. So she goes their and Jessica runs over to Me and Anna.

"Alright. Say bye to your friends. The faster you get this done. The faster the curse is over." They say and we walk over to The designated worlds.



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