Chapter Twelve

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Before I begin, I would like to thank SamMendoza406, xshrey and my dearest friend Yi Jia for commenting and voting, and all the support you give. If it weren't for you, I would have abandoned this story already.

Phoenix Wright’s Point of View

Miles never fail to surprise me. The day when I was accused of stealing a classmate’s lunch money, Miles surprised me by standing up for me. The day when I met Miles in the court for the first time, he surprised me by appearing as a prosecutor. The day when I switched on my television, he surprised me by being a suspect for murder. 

Once again, he surprised me. By taking up the role of both a prosecutor and defense attorney. 

“Miles,” the judge finally spoke. “I do not know if that is possible. You can’t be a prosecutor and a defense attorney at the same time.” 

Miles shook his head. “However, it is hardly a fair fight if the court is missing a defense attorney.”

“It is the defendant’s fault for not engaging a lawyer in time. The defendant must still be prosecuted regardless of the presence of a defense attorney.”

Miles slammed his hand on the table. “Are you questioning my methods?”

“I cannot allow - “

The judge’s words were interrupted by a sharp crackle of the whip. 


“Foolishly foolhardy fools with their foolish talks.” a silverish-blue hair lady in an elegant dress appeared, holding a whip above her head, ready to aim it at anyone who get into her way. “Stop wasting time.”

This girl… I knew that whipping sound! I can recognize that distinctive whip from even a thousand miles away. 

"Child prodigy Franziska von Karma!" the judge gasped. "OW! OW!! OWWWWWWWWW!!!!"

"Foolish judge, foolish prosecutor...." Franziska said. "If there is no defense attorney, find one. You foolishly foolish fools who think you can run a trial without a defense attorney." she crackled her whip again. "I will be the defense attorney then. It's about time I get my revenge on Miles."

There was chaotic murmurings amongst the crowd, that the judge had to hit his gravel a few times before there was order in court. 

The judge's eyes were wide open. "Child prodigy you may be, I - OWWW!"

"You dare question me, foolish judge?"

"Erm, n-no sir."


And so, Franziska went to take the defense's seat.

Franziska: (Whipping randomly again) Begin the trial, foolish fools!

Judge: (gulp) Yes. The court will now -

Crystabella: WAAAAIT! Wait wait wait! So you guys are just gonna let this unqualified defense attorney defend me?

Franziska: Foolishly foolish fools who waste time... The prosecutor may begin their opening statement.

Judge: Hey, I didn't even -

Franziska: Quiet, foolish judge (whips). Your opening statement, Miles Edgeworth.

Miles: Yesterday, there was an attempted murder at Wright & Co. Office. The victim is 19-years-old spirit medium Maya Fey and the suspect is literature student Crystabella. The murder weapon is a kitchen knife but no print has been found on it. During the time of murder, only two people were present at the crime scene. Dahlia Hawthorne and Crystabella.

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