Chapter 15

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Crystabella's Point of View

All's well ends well. Day 2 of the trial and it seemed like it was coming to an end. 

"Objection!" Phoenix Wright pointed his finger at the witness, Dahlia, and shouted. "You do have a motive!"

"But, Feenie, I'm innocent!" Dahlia cried.

Phoenix shook his head. "I'm afraid not. You have enough motive to want to silent Maya, and I can prove it."

Dahlia started crying and pleading for Phoenix, or anyone, to believe her.

"Mr Wight," the judge said. "Stop badgering the witness!"

"I am not...!" Phoenix had sweat rolling down his face. He straightened up in a second and said, "Maya must have saw something when the two of them went into my office while I was talking to Crystabella. Something that made Dahlia wish to silent her!"

"And what is that something, Wright?" Miles questioned him. 

Phoenix presented the evidences that there was a puddle of water near the door to the office.

The judge raised his eyebrows. "I see a puddle of water. Are you thirsty, Wright?"

"No...." Phoenix sighed. "This puddle of water contains a kind of poison."

"Poison?!" the judge asked, alarmed.

"Yes, this poison is in the form of a colorless and odorless cream in its natural state. By itself, it is harmless. But if dissolved in water, some chemical reaction happens, something called dissociation, making the solution poisonous. When drank, it is fatal enough to cause immediate death. But when it makes contact with a person's skin, it gives off a foul smell, also known as ammonia."

The judge and the jury took a while to let this information sink in.

"So you're saying that Dahlia was carrying poison with her?" Miles asked.

"Yes, and that puddle of water is proof!" Phoenix slammed the table. "Dahlia tried to murder Maya to silence her!"

The jury started talking.

Judge: (bangs gravel the 34893249th time) Order! Order in court!

Crystabella: How about some triple cheese pizza, judgie?

Judge: (smiles) Hey, that would be nice!

Crystabella: Done!

Phoenix: Admit it, Dahlia. You did it, didn't you?

Dahlia: I didn't, Feenie. (cries) It wasn't me.

Judge: I already say, no badgering the witness. I'm going to have to penalize you.

Crystabella: Then I will cancel your pizza order, judgie!

Judge: No no! Please don't cancel it. I won't penalize Mr Wright then.

Crystabella: Good judgie. Who's the good boy? Who wants some pizza?

Miles: Ahem. Defendant, please refrain from your antics. Wright, please go on.

Dahlia: Feenie, you can't say that about me. I mean, wasn't the pail of water Crystabella's prank? Maybe she put the poison inside.

Phoenix: You're definitely the one! Just own up already!

Dahlia: It wasn't me! (sobs)

Miles: Wright, do you have a way to prove that it was Dahlia that possessed the poison? A conclusive evidence?

Phoenix: (thinking) Is there a way to prove it...?

Phoenix: ...!

Phoenix: The defense wish to conduct an experiment.

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