Prologue: The Last Day

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1. I'm not supposed to be starting any new stories BUT THERE ARE NO FANTASY LIFE FANFICTIONS THAT IS NOT RIGHT

2. Screw the cover I had to spend like 3 hours editing it and I didn't save a base file so I'm not re-editing out Yuelia of that picture just to change the title

And lol I finally have a +1000 word prologue XD 


This is it. The moment of truth. Reverians all across the world are looking up at us- hoping, urging- wishing for us to succeed and stop our home from being destroyed. I honestly had no idea what was going to happen that day that first Doomstone crashed into my roof. But when I think of all the friends I have made throughout every Life and journey, I know... I know we have to stop this. This is my home! So many amazing people, creatures... it can't just all go to waste, can it? I think I finally get why Yuelia is so in love with Reveria. I just hope all the wishes she has been collecting will be enough. I'd like to actually have a chance with that amazing girl-

The airship the boy was on lurched, causing him to splay ink across the paper. Noelia and Robin were shouting that they were about to enter the eclipse. 

"Ben! Come on!" Yuelia cried. He looked back and scribbled the date onto the corner of his paper and then expertly ripped the page out of his diary, before raising it up and throwing it into the wind. He watched it fly down through the clouds to his homeland below, and hoped it was not for the last time he would be looking at Reveria.

"Right Noelia, we can do this. We just have to believe in the power of wishes!" Yuelia exclaimed. Noelia breathed, and Ben watched the two sisters from Lunares nod to each other before igniting their wondrous powers. 

This has to work... 

"Hm, very good..." Divinus hummed from the other side of the large crystal that floated before them all. 

There was a flash, and suddenly the crystal glowed and a golden symbol etched itself into the formation. 

"Wow!" Yuelia breathed in awe and excitement. 

Ben blinked, silently awed by the quick but fascinating display. 

"This is... the power of everyone's wishes..." Noelia said. 

"Ah, this takes me back!" Divinus sighed in a happy-reminiscent way. "A Crystal of Wishes! Hers looked a little bit different... but your mother made one just like this." 

Isn't it not just like it then? Ben thought to himself. 

"...Hmm, however..." the giant man's tone turned from cheerful to concerned. 

"Father?" the girls questioned, worry tinging their voices. 

"I'm afraid that, the power of wishes contained within this crystal... will not be strong enough to purify Reveria. There simply aren't enough wishes." 

It felt like an icicle from the summit of Mount Snowpeak was just stabbed through Ben's heart. 


Robin said Ben's thoughts aloud for him. "N-no!" 

"I can't believe it! We've come so far!" Noelia cried. She seemed frustrated. There was a short pause. 

"Erm... Divinus?" Robin spoke up nervously. 

"Can I... can I add my wish as well?" 

Noelia sighed. "It won't help Robin... your wish is already in there. Ben's is in there as well." 

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