Why didn't you leave an address?
Why don't you write?
Why didn't you leave an address?
I can't help thinking that everything has caught up with you. That your step-father didn't save save you.
I hate to think which.
Maybe you're in Paris, but the post is slow.
Maybe you're still running.
Or maybe the address of where you are currently residing contains two fatal words: Mountjoy Prison.
You call it 'The Joy', I would laugh at the irony if it didn't feel like a dagger twisting between my shoulder blades or like poison in my mouth.
Or maybe you are encased in a tomb of dirt.
I fear that this is becoming illegible. It started to become a river of watery-black.
But that doesn't matter, I can't send it anyway.
I love you.
A Lack of Understanding
Acak'In 50 or 60 She'll leave me completely And one of us will coldly hold the others hand No metaphor for this that I can understand ... We'll be waiting in the shadows in the dead of night ... "Remember me daily." And all that will remain of us is pho...