Chapter 2

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Dallon's pov

After Brendon left, I turned to Spencer who was sitting on a stool behind the drum set. "Not to sound weird or anything, but Brendon's girlfriend is beautiful."

"Oh, you met Sarah? Is that who called him in there?"

"No. I was talking about Claire. Who's Sarah?"

"Sarah is Brendon's girlfriend. Claire is his sister. Don't let him hear you say stuff like that. He's super overprotective of Claire. I won't tell him though."

"Oh. Thanks, Spencer."

A few moments later Brendon walked in and told us that Claire might be joining our session since Ian couldn't make it. And sure enough about 20 minutes later, Claire walked into the studio with jean shorts and a salmon colored tank top with a guitar on it.

"Glad you decided to show up." Brendon said putting a hand on his hip.

"Hi, Spencer. Hi, Dallon." She said waving slightly to both of us, ignoring Brendon. She picked up the guitar off of the stand behind me and started strumming some chords to warm up.

"So what are we playing, boys?" Claire asked.

"Nearly Witches. Do you remember the chords we were working on?" Brendon continued but I got lost watching Claire continue to strum the chords out quickly jogging her memory. Her smile, wide, as she played. She plays the guitar better than the bass.

"Dallon. Dallon!" I heard faintly which started to break me out of my trance. "We're gonna start playing, you ok?" Claire asked looking concerned.

"Yea, I'm fine. Spaced out for a bit, but I'm fine." I said reassuring her. She smiled and slid back onto her stool, grabbing her guitar. Brendon counted us in and we started playing.

"My wing tips waltz across naive wood floors.
They creak innocently down the stairs."

Brendon started singing and dancing around, making Claire laugh. We played through the song only messing up a few times. We went back to the chorus because Spencer was having a little trouble with the time change. While Brendon helped Spencer, I started playing a part of one of my old songs, Visitation of the Ghost. I could see Claire watching me play.

"What song are you playing?" She piped up over the cymbal crash behind us.

"You wouldn't know it, it's from my old band." I replied slightly louder to talk over the percussion.

"I like it. You should play some of your songs for me sometime." She said with her bright smile.

"You should play me more of yours. Yours are actually really good compared to mine." I said with a chuckle.

"They are not that great. We still need to work on them a lot." She said, her smile faltering.

"Ok guys let's play it from the top, please." Brendon said looking at us.

The next few hours were dedicated to practicing the new songs for the album and knocking out kinks in them.

At about 4:30 Spencer checked his watch, his eyes almost bulging out of his head. "I have to go. Mel's probably fuming [Linda and Spencer didn't meet until 2011 and this is set in 2010 if you were confused]. Bye guys." Spencer said as he hurried out of the studio.

"Well since we don't have our drummer, I guess we're done for today." Brendon said sighing. "Are you making dinner tonight?" He directed towards Claire.

"Yeah. Do you wanna stay for dinner, Dallon?" She asked me with hope in her eyes.

"Yeah, if it isn't a problem, I would love that." I answered with a smile looking between both Brendon and Claire.

Claire's pov

I can't stand how cute he is, and now I get to spend a little longer with him. "Hope you like calzones." I said walking out of the studio. The boys followed after shortly. They came into the kitchen and sat down at the counter. Brendon took out his phone and started texting Sarah, probably, and Dallon sat next to him. I started getting out the ingredients to make the dough.

"You make it from scratch?!" Dallon said surprised.

"I have more talents than just music." I said chuckling.

"She is a master in the kitchen. She usually makes food because I burn almost everything." Brendon said, barely looking up from the screen.

I mixed everything together into one bowl for the dough then started on the filling. I threw in tomato paste, onions, cheese, and different meats. "Do you wanna learn how to make a calzone?" I said looking up at Dallon who seemed to be mesmerized.

"Umm, sure." He said getting up from his stool and walking to the other side of the island.

"First you have to put a lot of flour on your hands and on the board because it's gonna stick." I said handing over half of the dough. I showed him how to shape the dough. We put in the filling for both of them. Finally, we flipped over half of the dough to conceal the filling.

"Shit!" Dallon yelled when the dough fell apart as he was folding it over.

"It's ok, it happens. I did that the first time I made one too. It takes practice." I said laughing a little at how his calzone was turning out. We coated the top of the dough with eggs and put them into the oven.

"Now we can add baker to your introduction." Brendon chuckled out.

While we waited for the calzones to bake, we started to clean up the kitchen. As I was wiping down the cutting board, Dallon threw some flour at my face. I turned my head slowly to glare at him, but I couldn't resist laughing at the childish man in front of me. I picked up some of the flour and threw it back at him. It stuck out like a sore thumb on his black t-shirt. "Oops. Hand spasm." I said chuckling.

He picked up another handful, filling my hair with the white powder. That was it. Brendon knew that it was going to get messy, so he snuck away to the living room. Soon enough, the whole kitchen, including me and Dallon, was covered in flour. Dallon picked up a napkin waving it above him as a surrender. "You win. You win." He said laughing through the cloud of flour raining down on us.

With that, the timer dings, indicating that our calzones are done. "We should probably clean this up, but food is more important." I said chuckling.

"I agree." Dallon said nodding and laughing along with me.

I took the two trays out of the oven and set the one on a platter to take out to the dining room while Dallon set places for all of us. Dallon and I got most of the flour out of our hair and off of our clothes but it was still noticeable.

Sarah came over to eat with us and when she walked into the kitchen she screamed at us. We laughed it off and cleaned it after dinner. Dallon went home after we finished.

After Dallon left, Sarah, Brendon, and I decided to watch Zombieland. Sarah and Brendon fell asleep cuddling with each other, so I went upstairs to go to sleep. I was climbing into bed as my phone went off.



Hey. How did you get my number?

I asked Spencer because I forgot to ask you before i left

Yknow its almost 2 right?

Yea but I wanted to talk to you more

Well what do you want to talk about?


Dallon's pov

I think I like her.

{I made myself finish this chapter today but I got distracted by fall out boy and twenty one pilots stuff and then I was looking at... Never mind what I was looking at. The fact is is that I finished the chapter}

[Update: I changed what song Dallon was playing coz I realized there's more bass in Visitation and I have no clue why I put Nerve so there's that]

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