Chapter 3

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Claire's pov


Hey Claire. I know last time we talked it wasn't on the best terms but I'm in town if you would like to meet up

I don't know. id have to check and see if I'm doing anything today

I just really wanted to see you again after all this time. plus I have something to give you...

That's really tempting... coffee it is. is 1 good for you at abracjava?

Yea that's great! cant wait to see you

You too Ry


I woke up to a text from Ryan asking to meet him. I haven't seen him since he and Jon left the band. To be honest with myself, I knew I was not completely over him yet even though I should just forget about him and what he did to me. But I am going to disregard the uneasy feeling in my stomach and just meet with him. Maybe he's changed and I'm just not giving him a chance.

I agreed to meet up and I got ready. I made my way downstairs to find Brendon and Sarah in the kitchen. "Good morning, love birds," I said grabbing a piece of bacon off of Brendon's plate.

"Wow, you're up and dressed like a normal human-being," Sarah said while smiling and laughing to herself.

"Yeah, Claire. Hot date or something?" Brendon said teasingly.

"I guess you could say that. Are you gonna need me back at a certain time or is Ian gonna be here?" I asked hoping for the latter.

"No, you're good. Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Brendon said pulling me into a hug.

"Don't you mean don't do anything you would do?" I said chuckling and walking to the door.

"She's got you there," I heard Sarah say as I was closing the front door. I walked to my car and started driving to the coffee shop.

Brendon's pov

"I'm just worried about her. She hasn't been on a proper date since her and Ryan broke up," I said, concern lacing every word.

"She's a big girl, Bren. She can take care of herself, and you know that," Sarah said reassuringly.

"I just want her to be happy. She deserves it," I said as Sarah pulled me into a hug.

Claire's pov

*Time skip to at the coffee shop*

I hopped out of my car and walked into the small shop, looking for Ryan. I saw him waving from the other side of the room. He looked a little different from the last time I saw him. New haircut? Glasses? A genuine smile? "Hey, Claire. I got you your usual, I hope that hasn't changed," he said with the cutest grin.

"Vanilla Chai Tea?" I ask jokingly.

"Of course! So, what have you been up to?" he asked, his thousand watt smile never leaving his face. Maybe he has changed.

"Well, my band is still playing gigs at Tootsie's, but we do have some new songs," I say with genuine excitement. He knows how much I love our band and how badly I want us to go somewhere. "How is your band with Jon doing?"

"We're doing well, I think. We just released our first album about a month ago," he said with a glint of hope in his eyes. He is really proud of his band, too bad it was erected under bad circumstances.

"That's great! How's Jon?" And the conversation continued. We reminisced about old times and talked about our music. It was great until he remembered the gift he promised me.

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