Mickey Says Bad Words

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Mickey: Hello everyone! It's Mickey from Mickey Mouse fuckin' clubhouse! These are my kids Donald and Pluto! Anyways, I just thought you'd like to know I have three children. Yeah, nobody knows this but I actually have three.

Minny: Yo yo, when you gonna get those food stamps? These motherfuckers are hungry!

Mickey: Don't talk to me like that, okay? Anyways, I'm gonna put these motherfuckers down because they heavy.

Mickey: *puts baby Pluto and baby Donald in their cribs*

Mickey: My other son, I don't where he is. I got tired of his crying so I put him up in a tree for weeks. But that was three years ago so I don't know what happened to them. But his father never called me and never sent me child support. Kids, can you say Goofy?


Mickey: Yeah, I didn't think so. Hey Minny, where are those directions to the grocery store?

Minny: Alright, listen up, I got a map. I also have an album out called Fuck GPS. Anyways you're gonna want to go down the fucking ghetto part of town. Ya know, the one Pete and Goofey came from? Then you're gonna hit the motherfucking bridge. It's shaky as shit, I hope you have good insurance. Then there's the forest. There's some shady shit in there. Remember, the motherfucking ghetto, the motherfucking bridge, and the motherfucking forest. You got that? Okay, good.

Mickey: Alright, lets go.


*is at bridge*

Minny: Aw fuck that, I ain't getting on that bridge.

Mickey: Alright, fine, we'll go a different way.


*another bridge*

Minny: What dafuq?

Mickey: What's the deal with all these damn bridges?

Daisy: Hey Mickey!

Mickey: Man, I hate this bitch. Always fucking my boyfriends.

*Daisy walks up to Mickey*

Mickey: Oh hey girl! *smooches* Anyways what'd you do with all my weed?

Daisy: Oh, it's over there with the Mowy Wowy.


(A/N: Please don't take offense to what I put in this chapter. More than 90% of it was based off of Dora Says Bad Words anyways.)

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