Chapter 13

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Gerard's P.O.V

Mikey had asked me if Frank could come with us the next day. All we were doing was going to get groceries and comics. I mean I didn't mind, I think I may be forming a small crush on Frank but I haven't known him that long so it might change.

We had to go pick him up. However, no matter how much Mikey wanted Frank to come he wouldn't get up early to pick him up. Typical Mikey.

"Mikey." I said knocking on his door.

"We have to pick Frank up soon." I say louder opening his door.

"MICHAEL JAMES WAY! STOP BEING SO LAZY AND GET UP!" I shout to him making him jump as he clearly wasn't expecting anyone to wake him up.

"Five more minutes!" he whined, pulling his cover over his head.

"Do you want to lose all the good comics? You know that new one you wanted comes out today."

He jumped out of bed as soon as I stopped speaking.

"I'm getting ready!" he yelled as he headed toward the shower.

A little while later, we were heading to Franks to pick him up. I knew already with the thoughts popping in my head that yes, today would be fun but it was going to be hard to not say anything that might give myself away.

I sighed and watched as Mikey out the car. This was going to be a long day.

//Authors Note //

I'm going to have another chapter out later.

- olivia

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