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I was so scared. I had no clue what was going on. I faced him, he looked at me. one second to another i felt lips touching mines. His lips were so cold. I felt shivers going throw my spin. I broke the kiss very fast. I knew what was going on. I knew me and Liam where going to be boy-friends and girl-friend soon if that's what you call it. We made eye contact one again and we began to kiss a little bit more. This time it was more passionate more romantic. I stoped the kiss again. This time i got up and went down stairs. " wait Bella wher.."  " home."  i said. I didn't knew what was going on. A part of me wanted to stay .. another didn't. i grab my jacket and book bag off the chair. I was about to open the door and he stood right in front of it. He kissed me again and again and again. I wanted to stay. my phone rang. It broke the kiss up. i picked up and it was Eloisa " oh my god Bella .. me and Harry it was amazing." Liam took my phone and hanged up. I really wanted to know more about what Eloisa was telling me about. But this moment was really about me and Liam. Us to alone at that moment there was something special. " I really got to go Liam" My voice was cracky but cute in a way. I was super red " i love it when you blush" He said while opening  the door. "can i walk you home" he continued. i nodded and he walked behind me. The bus took years to come. It was a awkward silence until the bus came. Once we got in the bus driver said "The bus are not in service". "Great" i said in a low voice. "Thanks sr" Liam said. I knew i didn't want to go to Liam's house again. I did'nt knew what i wanted in that point. I just wanted to lay down and go to sleep. I had no choice but to call my mom and let her know I'm staying over a friends house. Liam took my hand and took me back to his house. I asked him for a some Pj's and a towel. I ran to the bathroom and called Eloisa. I told her everything she told me everything as well. I cant believe her and harry had there first kiss the first day they meet, but whatever. I heard Liam talking on the phone as well. I got close to the wall.. He was talking to Harry. I knew since he said his name a couple of times. He was also talking about me. " She has a beautiful, i just want her to be mains. Bella is amazing". i started to smile. I did'nt want it to seem like i was just sitting there. I turn on the shower and started to sing loud as possible for Liam to hear. Once i got out the shower i put on the pj's he gave me. It was a big shirt that fitted me all the ways to my knees .. and boxers. I looked so huge but i didn't care. I went straight to his room. I thought he was in the kitchen but he wasn't. " your an amazing singer Bella" he said laughing " thanks" i said giggling. He took a towel and went to take a shower also. His phone rang. I think it was a text-message. I no choice but to be curious. i grabbed his phone and I saw. I could'nt believe. I just couldn't wait for him to come out that bathroom. I sat there. I didn't notice tears were coming out my eyes until Liam came out and said " Bella was wrong?" " you took me as a joke , i knew you was only using me, why would i believe someone like you would  come after a dork like me" i said. Tears after tears were going after another. "babe what are you talking about" he said lifting my chin up. " This Liam this" His eyes went wide. He didn't believe it him self . he looked confused. Well i didn't i knew what was going on.. He took his phone off my hand and said " Bella that's my ex- girlfriend Chasie. We haven't talked in so long. We had nothing now. She not important anymore you are. you are amazing Bella i tell you that every single day and i wont stop." he grabbed me and hugged me to tight i felt so warm and comfortable i didn't want him to let go. but he did. " may i kiss you" he said looking and me. i wasn't looking at him though i just knew he was. "don't ask just do it" i said. This kisses felt more and more better every time. I lay-ed down on his bed he got dressed and and lay-ed down next to me. I faced him. " good night beautiful" He kissed my nose. For some reason i wanted it to be my ford-head. But it wasn't. I closed my eyes.. and opened up again and it was morning.

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