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Notes: Post-Prom Fiasco episode, super short.

Rated: T

Trigger Warnings: Language

Max doesn't regret joining the Hero Leauge, honest. It's not like the other newbie heroes laugh at his back whenever he enters or leaves the room. Because that never happens... It's not like Super President Kickbutt prefers Phoebe over him. It's totally not like she's always picked first... It's not like his own family treats him like a villain still, even though he's proven himself worthy time and time again. Not to mention the fact ever since the North Pole incident  he's avoided extremely cold air conditioning and anything relating to snow. He didn't even go with his family when they went sledding last winter claiming he had superhero training.

All of these reasons (which totally don't exist). Aren't the reasons he's standing in front of the broccoli factory in Metroburg. They aren't the reasons why he's not regretting his decision to join the Hero Leauge. The mockery, the constant teasing and bullying from his 'fellow' heroes. He isn't standing here because of them.

His hand barley touches the handle as the door pushes open to reveal an empty factory room.

Those reasons aren't why he's clutching the power orb tightly in his hand, dressed in his full villain get up. Those aren't the reasons why he's standing inside the one place he swore to never go back to again.

The voice inside his head whispers for him to join the Villain League. Become a double agent and work for no one, give the ones who betrayed him a taste of their own medicine. The door on the other side of the room opened to reveal King Crab, dressed in his usual black tux and red tie. The ex-villain and the leader of the Villain League size each other up.

Max thinks of all the reasons why  he shouldn't  here...

They call him a traitor anyway. They tease him anyway. They'll survive without him, that's what they've been doing anyway. They've always favored his twin anyway. They won't miss him anyway... What's the point of being a hero if you're taken for granted?

Neither of the two moved. King Crab didn't summon his henchmen, and Max didn't use his superpowers. During the battle of wills King Crab noticed the change in Max's eyes from when they first met. The boy still had some light left, hope, dreams. The light was now almost gone, barely flickering amongst the dark black eyes the teen's glare held. Although he was a villain, King Crab had a code. The leader of the Villain Leauge stepped forwards, but Max held up one hand defensively, the other still clutching the orb.

Max on the other hand, knew King Crab was different from Dark Meheym. He planned using cunningness and strategy, always striking precisely at the right moment as supposed to Meheym's strategy of blowing shit up. "Why are you here?" King Crab let his voice ring out, breaking the thick layer of silence. He watched Max loosen as he realized there was no immediate threat. Max sighed then crossed his arms, one hand still in contact with the orb.

"Where else would I be?" King Crab frowned,

"We all thought you turned over a new leaf." Max smirked,

"Trust me, the villains we're the only ones who actually have a shit about it. Whenever I stepped foot in the Hero Leauge the other so called 'heroes' would whisper to each other about the reformed villain. Half the time they would corner me and question me about the Villain League location. By the way, I never gave it to them. And it's not like Phoebe would notice me missing anyway. She always has her super hero friends, why would she spend time with me? Her washed up broken other half." The King gestured to the orb,

"Why bring that?" Max shrugged, tossing it between his hands.

"I figured it could be used as a peace offering. Dark Meheym's powers for my spot back in the Villain Leauge." His phone rang, as he read the caller ID he smirked, "speak of the devil... Hey Pheebs!" After a few minutes of her babbling on about some worthless Hero gossip he realized she was stalling. "Are you trying to track me?" The paused. "Phoebe, if you can't trust me when we're not side by side how can you trust me on the field?" More akward silence ensued. "Look, I don't have time for this right now. Goodbye." He hung up then began to toss the orb to King Crab, but the roof crashed in on itself, finally alerting the other villain of his presence. Max watched as his sister along with the Z-Force dropped from the plane above them.

"Max! We have to go, come on!" Max didn't even hesitate as he zapped her with the orb, taking her powers. "Max..." King Crab chuckled then clapped Max on his shoulder.

"Welcome back home Max Thunderman." Max smirked then turned around to walk away from his powerless sister.

Six months later as he entered his newly constructed evil lair complete with all the latest gizmoes and gadgets...

And for once? He regretted nothing, but the heroes who misjudged him did when he returned with a vengence.

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