The Time Of Our Lives

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Summary: Here's another song fic.

Song: Time of our Lives, Tyrone Well.

Rated: K-T

This is where the chapter ends
A new one now begins
Time has come for letting go
The hardest part is when you know
All of these years - When we were here
Are ending, but I'll always remember.

Sighing, Max makes his way to the first floor of his house. As he walks up the stairs he hears laughter, then Chloe shouting in glee. He always knew he would be the odd one out, but he would hope his youngest sister would be the exception. He entered the family room to see his whole family sitting next to each other on the couch watching some kid movie, all smiling and laughing without him.

We have had the time of our lives
Now the page is turned
The stories we will write
We have had the time of our lives
And I will not forget
The faces left behind
It's hard to walk away
From the best of days
But if it has to end
I'm glad you have been my friend
In the time of our lives.

He thought back when he was a villain, then remembered the whole 'house theft' disaster. He hoped him becoming a hero would convince his father he has changed. Obviously this wasn't the case, or else he would be with his family as well. His father smiled at his children then said, "finally, my entire family is finally together." Max felt a tear falling onto his cheek. Didn't his family even realize he wasn't on the couch with them? What about Phoebe? Didn't she care about him? He thought as he retreated to his room.

Where the water meets the land
There is shifting in the sand
Like the tide that ebbs and flows
Memories will come and go
All of these years
When we were here
Are ending
But I'll always remember

As he enters his basement he covers Dr. Colloso's cage so the rabbit couldn't convince him against what he's decided to do. Turning on his camera on his computer he pressed 'record'.

We have had the time of our lives
Now the page is turned
The stories we will write
We have had the time of our lives
And I will not forget
The faces left behind
It's hard to walk away
From the best of days
But if it has to end
I'm glad you have been my friend
In the time of our lives.

He didn't smile as the camera began to record him. After he finished his goodbye's he saved the video to a flashdrive then put it in an envelope labeled 'Thunderfam'. He placed it onto his pillow where he was sure someone would find it. After that was done he did one final sweep of his room, remembering all the good times he's had with Allison and his friends. Unsurprisingly Phoebe and his family weren't in any of them.

To these memories
That never die
We say goodbye
We hold on tight
To these memories
That never die.

Max grabbed his backpack from his desk then a black scrapbook fell to the floor. He picked it up and leafed through it. Allison made it for him before she left him for the earth. She said she always knew he was a hero... Her hero. Sighing he stuffed the book into his bag then exited his room via window, not wanting to disturb the happy family upstairs.

We have had the time of our lives
Now the page is turned
The stories we will write
We have had the time of our lives
And I will not forget
The faces left behind
It's hard to walk away

After the movie ended the Thundermans began to disperse into their bedrooms for a good night's sleep. Phoebe, being the nice sister she is went into the basement to check on her twin. After all, it seemed weird he never came upstairs for movie night. As she reached the final step a breeze from an open window crossed her back. She turned and closed the window, dismissing the fact that whenever her brother was home he always kept it shut and locked. "Max?" She called, not seeing her twin. She uncovered the rabbit cage then asked, "where is he?" If the ex-villain could shrug it would have.

"No clue, he came downstairs a few hours ago looking upset about something. You guys get into another fight?" She shook her head the noticed the envelope.

"What's that?" Dr. Colloso replied,

"No clue. It wasn't there before Max came down earlier though." Thunder Girl grabbed the envelope then retreated up the stairs.

From the best of days
But if it has to end
I'm glad you have been my friend
In the time of our lives
I'm glad you have been my friend
In the time of our lives

Once her family was yet again sitting on the couch she plugged in the flash drive and pressed play.

"Hey guys, if you've even cared enough to watch... I don't really know what to say." The Max in the video had bloodshot eyes and a backpack on. "I guess I should start out with this, Billy, Nora, and Chloe. This isn't your fault, believe me this has been going on long before you were even born Nora. And Mom, I don't necessarily blame you either. To Phoebe and dad... Thank you. Thank you for pushing me down all the time, and excluding me from 'family fun days', all you've done is make me stronger. The reason I became a hero, the reason I started my whole life over again, was to prove to you two I could be a hero. I wanted to become the best hero in the world, but you've made it painfully obvious that was Phoebe's slot. I guess what I'm trying to say is... Goodbye. I'm leaving tonight, and don't try to look for me, you'll just make this harder for yourselves." The video ended leaving the entire family of superheroes in tears. Leaving all of them wondering, would he have stayed if we noticed him?

Three miles into the next city Max Thunderman looked behind him, the forwards, ready to start his new life as a superhero.

Sorry if this is bad. Don't forget! I wrote this entire thing just so you, as readers, could request one shots!

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