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Rated: Teen

Trigger Warnings: Language, I guess that's it?

Spoiler Warnings: All episodes just in case.

Summary: Max took one look between his family and Dark Mayhem then has a single thought. Run. So he did.

Notes: This will be the prologue in what I hope will be my last multi-chapter fic before I bow out of the writing scene for a while. I don't know when the first actual chapter will be released, just know it's coming.



It's been three years since Max last saw one of his old family members. Three years since the prom night fiasco, and three years since he took over the underground criminal world single handedly. No one in Crawford City knows who he is and Max is going to keep it that way.

Since he arrived in Crawford the crime rates dropped faster than ever before. The second he arrived in Crawford he knew he had to get the criminals in check, there were gang members selling drugs to kids and teens. "Sir," one of his henchmen spoke as he entered Max's office. The ex-supervillain looked up then signaled for the man to continue. "There are rumors of a woman wearing a gold and black uniform saving people from muggers and such." Max frowned then commented,

"There haven't been any reports on superhero activity has there been Mitch?" When Mitch shook his head Max frowned even deeper, there wasn't much that went on in his city without Max finding out about it personally.

"Have one of my men trail this mystery woman, I want hourly updates." Mitch nodded then left the room. As Max watched his man leave his office he couldn't help but feel a familiar tingle in the back of his mind. Like he was one half of a bridge, and the other half was trying to reconnect with him. Max shook his head and the feeling went away. His office doors banged open and two of his men were dragging someone into the room.

"Hey boss, we brought you a present." The man on the left, Jerry said as the man they dragged in began to beg for his life.

"What is this Jerry?" Max demanded, Harold, the other man pointed to the guy on the floor then said,

"Meet David Sawfer. Sure at first glance he doesn't look like much, but you'd be surprised by the amount of information this guy has." The son of Thunderman stepped forward to kneel down and face David.

"What is he talking about David?" David didn't respond so Max backhanded him across the face. Jerry chuckled,

"David here is a Superhero Leauge informant aren't you?" Max saw the slow transition as David's eyes switched from being afraid to pure terror.

"What are you going to do to me?" Max felt a familiar gleam flicker in his eye as he slid on his brass knuckles. He grabbed David by his collar to lift him up before throwing him right back down again.

"Who is the woman running around in my city? Max asked David, the in response the informat worked up a mouthful of blood, spat it in Max's face then said,

"Go to hell." Max darkened his expression before saying,

"Trust me buddy, I've already tried. Didn't stick much though. Here's what's going to happen next, either you tell me everything the Hero Leauge is doing in my city, every name number and address then I'll let you go if you never show your face anywhere near here. Otherwise well, you'll just have to be tortured and I just had my tools cleaned. It would be better for both of us if you chose option one." Max threw in a kick aimed for David's ribs then said, "think on it. Superheroes and and I dont mix well, I'll find her sooner or later." Then he turned to Jerry and Nick, "take him to the Brig." Nick nodded then hoisted David's limp body over his shoulder. The pinching feeling in the back of Max's head spiked again, he balled his fists, just as soon as it came it passed though.

"Are you okay?" Jerry asked, Max unclenched his fists then nodded,

"Yeah... I'm fine. I just want this hero trash out of my city." Jerry frowned then as Max turned back to his desk Jerry asked,

"What do you have against superheroes?  I mean, sure we all hate them, but you... you're different." Max sighed then said,

"I need time to think, find someone to track our Golden Woman." Jerry nodded then left Max alone in his office. After using his telekinesis to close the windows and lock the door he walked over to a small bookshelf and pushed it off of the loose floorboards he found. He grabbed a crowbar then pried up the floorboard and took out the dusty old shoebox he hadn't touched since he left Hiddenville. He blew off the gathering layer of dust on the lid then opened it. Inside the shoebox were two items, a copy of the Thundermans superhero photo, and a necklace chain that had a Thunderman amulet attached to it. Max thought back to that fateful night wondering how it all went wrong...


Horray! A new book, it still doesn't have a title, lol. Anyways, I am aware that the missing three years needs some explaining and I will explain everything that happened throughout the book in flashback format. Hope you guys like this!


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