🏚Homes feels good with you🏡

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That was crazy I don't have a home anymore they just kicked out my mother and she is coming over now. Like she held it a secret she said that we were evicted a long time ago and she never spoke to me about it like what the fuck. But I need to tell Juanpa about this.
I get up from the bed and I walk upstairs.
I hear snores and I look and Juanpa is asleep. I run towards the couch and I jump on Juanpa. He instantly woke up.
"What is It Lele??" Juanpa asks.
"Can I live with you?" I ask.
"Uh why?" Juanpa asks curious.
"Do you love me that much that you would want to live with me one day?" I ask.
"Yeh I guess. But I would like to live in a big house because I want to treat you like a queen." Juanpa says.
"Oh." I replied.
"But why you ask?" Juanpa asks.
"Oh it's because.....(I get interrupted by the ring of a doorbell.)
I get up and I answer the door I see my mother and I help her in. Juanpa stands up in confusion about everything.
"Lele what's going on?" Juanpa says behind me and looking at the suitcases.
"Well we got evicted and we need somewhere to live." I said to him.
"Oh then come in here let me help you in then." Juanpa said and grabbed the suitcases and placed them nicely in the apartment.
"So you guys don't have a home??" Juanpa asks
"we lost it."my mom said crying. And Juanpa hugged her tightly and I sat on his lap and we hugged together as almost like a family.
"It's okay señora I'll help you guys and in the mean time you two can stay with me." Juanpa said rubbing my back softly and my moms head on his shoulder.
"Thank you Juan Pablo." My mom said.
"It's okay you can stay in the empty room." Juanpa said.
"Oh my god thank you so much mi hijo." My mom said.
"It's okay anything to make you guys feel secure." Juanpa said and I pecked his lips.
"So what do you guys wanna do?" Juanpa said.
"Well I'm going to go get some grocery and make a meal for us." My mother said.
I pulled Juanpa to the side and he looked at me with confusion.
"What about Mario?"I asked.
"Oh yeh fuck what do we do about him." Juanpa said.
"We need more space and this apartment is to small." I said.
"Yeh I know but tomorrow me and you we can make arrangements with my retailer and we can look at some houses." Juanpa said.
"Oh that's good me and you in a big house or small one it's okay." I said.
"I'll make sure it's a big house for all of us and maybe we can have you know?!" Juanpa said.
"What??" I respond.
"Children of our own Lele." Juanpa said and I look him and I he smiles. So it made me smile.
"Yeh maybe!" I replied.
"Okay then lets go help your mother." Juanpa said.
"Yeh let's go." I responded.
"But first Lele." Juanpa said and pulled me in for a passionate kiss.
"Okay now let's go." Juanpa said when the kiss was over
"Okay." I said.
We walked to the kitchen and I looked over and I saw my mom and she was cooking pasta.
I helped her out and so did Juanpa. We cooked like a family and I started to get like a stomachache. But I didn't mind I get those all the time.
"Lele you okay?" Juanpa asked me.
"Yeh I'm good it's that I think I'm hungry." I replied.
"Ok mi amor." Juanpa said to me and I smiled. I went into the living room to sit down. And Juanpa followed.
"Lele you sure your just hungry?" Juanpa asked
"Yeh I am." I said
"Okay I'm going to serve you." Juanpa said and he went into the kitchen.
I sat on the table and he came back with two plates with pasta and some lemonade poured in a cup.
"So today was crazy right." Juanpa said to me while he ate some pasta.
"Yeh it was." I responded.
"So Lele I have a question." Juanpa asked.
"Do your u like me." Juanpa asked.
"No." I said
"What!!" Juanpa said and frowned.

We stood in a silence and I replied.
"I don't like you I love you silly!!" I said.
I said and I got up and sat on his lap and I hugged him. He then kissed me and cuddled up with me.

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