Chapter One

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PSA: I wrote this when I was fourteen. it is old, the writing isn't great and unfortunately I don't have time to fix it. Read at your own risk.

****If you're looking for a story that is well written, please check out my other Bucky AU's, Captured, December, or Sane. Go to my user and you'll find it there. I highly recommend reading those instead of this story, especially December which is my personal favorite.****

Side note: Aight I get that you guys ship clintasha, but Clint has a wife and kids now so that isn't gonna happen. This story is a ROMANOGERS STORY- IF YOU DON'T LIKE THEIR RELATIONSHIP, DON'T READ IT. I do NOT want to see negative comments on here about their relationship because honestly they are just unnecessary ya know. The romanogers parts aren't overbearing and aren't central to the story, so I promise, even if you don't like them, you may still like the story.

anyway- ENJOY!




My heels clicked on the floor, making a sharp noise against the tile or linoleum, whatever it was.

I was on my way to deliver to a file to the copy room, the heavy files weighing me down. My stupid boss, Alexander I-hate-everything Pierce, demanded that I copy them that second. Apparently it couldn't have waited the five seconds it would've taken for me to go to the bathroom.

I was clicking down the hall angrily when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I gazed out of the window and stopped in my tracks when I saw the hellicarriers, S.H.I.E.L.D.'s top secret project, rising from the waters of the Potomac. As Pierce's assistant, I knew for a fact that they were not supposed to be up in the air for at least a few more days. The sight left me confused.

I snapped out of it when I heard gunshots from down the hall, a lot closer to me than I would've liked. I ducked behind a wall and yanked my irritating heels off of my feet, slipping my gun out of my jacket and cocking it. I was trained for situations like these, and I hope I payed attention enough during training to survive.

The frown still present on my face, I looked out of the window again at the hellicarriers. I did a double take when I saw the one and only Captain America running along the flight deck. He flung his famous shield across the length of the giant machine, nailing someone in the chest before catching it again.

What the hell was happening that was so serious that Captain America was here?

I shook my head and clutched my gun tighter, peering out from behind my spot quietly. But the second I looked, a gun fired, and suddenly my ear exploded with pain. I reached up, finding that only a small piece of my ear was hit, and pulled my fingers away to see blood. Someone had shot me.

I looked up and was surprised by the man in front of me. The first thing that stuck out to me was the metal- his left arm was completely made out of the shiny material. It clicked and whirred, calibrated and shifted. I wondered how on Earth it could work.

His dark hair fell to his shoulders and ran across his high cheekbones. He had a striking, dangerous look to him, that made me both scared and intrigued. His eyes, however, were strangely hollow and distant. As if he wasn't processing what he was seeing.

Then he ran past me as suddenly as he had appeared, crashing through the window at the end of the hall and thrusting himself straight onto the hellicarrier. I frowned and stared after him, as he scaled the side of it with ease and ran faster than any human should have. I was beginning to wonder if I was hallucinating.

Winter's Redemption [winter soldier//Bucky Barnes AU]Where stories live. Discover now