Chapter Ten

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She was fast asleep on the bed beside me, curled up tightly under the blankets I had tucked her into last night. She looked peaceful and free and I wished I could let her keep sleeping, but we needed to get out of here.

We had been here for far too long, and one of the maids down the hall had just seen my metal arm when I went to get some ice from the machine. DEFINITELY time to go.

"Sarah," I whispered, nudging her. She didn't move. I inwardly groaned, and shook her a little harder. I already felt guilty for making her get up, and she wasn't making it any easier on me. Her eyes fluttered slightly but didn't open.

"SARAH," I then called loudly, making her sit up fast and give me a frown. She rubbed her eyes, glancing at the clock tiredly, before turning back to me.

"Was that necessary?"

"Well, sorry, but we have to go. One of the maids saw my arm," I told her. She nodded and got up without hesitation, tossing her curly hair into a high ponytail. I started gathering things to put into the carry-on bag we purchased at the store yesterday. I heard sirens outside, indicating the presence of the police. They weren't a match for me, but bullets still hurt no matter where they are from, and I cringed when I realized I may have to kill some innocents just to get away and hide again. I hated that.

I finished packing the bag and Sarah grabbed some soap, towels and food from the hotel room, squeezing them into the side pocket. I looked down, and frowned before I remembered that I had slipped on my old combat uniform again. The blood stains were still there, meaning there'd be no hoping-to-fly-under-the-radar. They'd know exactly who their target was the second I stepped outside. Sarah had slipped on some leggings, combat boots and a thick green rain jacket, which was obviously lacking any signs of blood, so it made me feel a little better to know that no one would think to attack her.

"Ready?" I asked her, and she swallowed, both fear and confidence evident in her emerald eyes.


I opened the window, climbing out silently. I took Sarah's hand and helped her out as well. My gun was digging into my hip bone, probably denting my skin, and Sarah clutched hers close to her chest.

We crept along the edge of the building, our feet scuffing along the concrete. When we reached the edge of the wall I peeked out, hoping for way to be clear, but instead of an empty parking lot I was met with several police cars. "Shit," I muttered.

I reached over to take the bag of stuff from Sarah, and waited for a second before throwing it with as much force as I could. The police ran towards the sudden noise, getting closer to where we were hiding.

"Stay here," I hissed to Sarah, who looked like she wanted to argue but froze when she saw how serious I was. I slipped my gun from my waistband after giving her one last glare and walked out in front of the police. 

Yells went up from the group of officers as I came into view, and several dozen guns were cocked and aimed at my head instantly. I did my best cold stare. It seemed to work- several men in the front lines shrunk back at the sight of my withering gaze.

"Stand down and no one gets hurt!" The police chief called. He was the only one that didn't look scared. I didn't reply, staring him dead in the eye. My gun was down, but my finger was on the trigger and the safety was off. 

"Sir! Please drop the weapon!" He called again. I didn't move.

"You're going to let me go, or I'm going to open fire," I replied, my voice so deep it resembled a growl. The officer gulped.

Winter's Redemption [winter soldier//Bucky Barnes AU]Where stories live. Discover now