Chapter Thirty Three

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*Bucky's POV*

Steve took a deep breath and pulled on the handle, unlatching the door. A cloud of ash came in, making us cough before it dissipated.

Steve looked out the door, and grabbed his shield. Natasha and him headed out to check the damage. Sam, Tony, Cara and Valerie followed, and before Sarah went I grabbed her arm. She turned around and looked at me questioningly.

"What's wrong, Buck?" She asked, and I smiled slightly at her nickname for me.

"Look, Sarah, if something happens out there-" I stopped, thought, and tried again.

"I want to make sure that we are ok, before we go out there and see god-knows-what. I don't want to lose you." I told her. She looked up at me curiously and grinned, pressing her lips to mine. I kissed her back with everything I had.

She pulled away and hugged me, her head resting in the crook of my neck. I closed my eyes and squeezed her against me. She had come to mean so much to me, that I decided to take a really big step.

"I love you." I whispered.

She pulled back right away, and I thought I had gone too far, but then I saw the grin on her face. She looked insanely happy.

"I love you too, Bucky." She replied. I smiled widely and kissed her again, before we decided to go back out.

I walked out of the door first, Sarah following. We had to climb through the mountain of rubble just to get to the main area. When I climbed to the top of the rubble, I saw several bodies all over. I hoped that any mutants got out in time and were still alive.

I helped Sarah over the top of the pile and we jumped down onto the floor. Steve and the others were looking around and trying to help any mutants that were left, but I didn't see any of them that were still alive. I felt bad- we indirectly let them die. But at least they died feeling like they were free.

Sarah and I got over to the group and began helping, when I noticed dust falling in front of my eyes. I frowned and glanced up, and suddenly I knew we had to get out if here.

"The ceiling from the second floor is caving!" I shouted, and we sprang into action. Steve herded us out of the door just in time, as the ceiling completely collapsed. The ceiling separating the first and second floor fell during the explosion, but the power of the bomb also cracked the ceiling separating the second and third floor.

And the third floor is where the mutants are kept.


I didn't even want to look when the creatures all came crashing through the building, flailing about as they tried to stand and search for their next meal, which may or may not be us. But of course I looked, and I saw several unpleasant sights.

There were three large, reptile-like creatures that slithered around like giant lizards; one bird like thing that looked far too stupid to even comprehend what 'food' was, so it probably wasn't a threat; a lion-tiger mix with a robot arm, like the one I killed before; and worst of all, a literal dragon. Like, fire-breathing and everything. Did Hydra pull their creatures right out of a fairy tale book? Like how the hell do they come up with this stuff?

I groaned loudly, and loaded my gun the way I wanted it. I stood in front of everyone with Steve, as the creatures began to notice us. They strutted towards us, as those of us with guns opened fire. The bird thing ran away, but we hit and killed two of the lizard guys pretty fast. Cara sent the other lizard flying into the ground, and I'm pretty sure he would be down for a good while.

Steve threw his shield at the dragon, disorientating it long enough for Tony and Valerie to shoot it. Natasha and Sarah began shooting at the lion/tiger and I shot it in it's mouth, which was apparently the only vulnerable part of its body. It must've been injected with vibranium.

The dragon was now the only one left, and it was becoming a problem, because it had decided to set things on fire. These things included Steve.

Steve of course was resistant to fire, but he wasn't fireproof, so he patted the flames off himself as I shot the dragon's eye. It let out a pissed-off wail and I shot it's other eye when it turned, making it blind. But making it blind was apparently a stupid idea, because the first thing it did was spew out flames in every direction and whip it's tail around.

It's heavy tail hit Tony, making him fly very far into the woods. Cara went to go get him using her mind powers, and we continued to shoot the dragon and wear it down.

Eventually the thing could no longer fight, and it fell, not moving. I breathed heavily and put my guns away, looking at Steve as he put his shield on his back. Natasha and Sarah put their weapons down and everyone looked at each other, as if asking what to do next.

I was about to say something when I heard someone clapping sarcastically.

"Well, well. What do we have here? A couple noble heroes trying to save humanity?" A voice said sarcastically, and I turned, frowning. Sarah gasped and I moved to stand slightly in front of her.

"What the hell do you want?" Steve asked through clenched teeth. He was not in a good mood, and you don't mess with an angry Captain America.

The weird man in front of us was covered in burns and blood, and the smile he gave was absolutely gruesome.

"I want to know why you felt like destroying my building. Do you have any idea how long it takes to build an undercover base?" The man asked, as if we were talking to a six year old boy instead of a man trying to destroy the world. Tony (who has now learned his lesson about standing too close to a dragon) scoffed.

"Do you have any idea how long it took to destroy it?! I mean come on, man. We should get, like, cookies and lemonade or something for that." Stark replied sarcastically, adding a smirk. Valerie snorted, and then quickly covered her mouth. The man sighed though we were being difficult children.

"You don't understand how long it takes to make a base like this. It was state of the art!" He whined. I glanced at Steve, and I knew Steve wanted to punch him just as much as I did.

"Man, can you just shut up please?" Sam asked with a roll of his eyes.

The guy just smiled innocently, until he locked eyes with Sarah.



There you go, part one of the FINAL CHAPTER😋

As a warning, you guys are not gonna like how this book ends, but I promise I will start the next book very soon after I finished this one!

Lemme know what you think will happen😉


Winter's Redemption [winter soldier//Bucky Barnes AU]Where stories live. Discover now