Chapter Twelve

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Sunlight poured in through the huge windows in my room. They may be pretty, but they sure made it difficult to sleep. I sighed, peeling my eyes open and looking out of the window only to see heavy black smoke curling into the sky.

I frowned deeply and looked closer. A building was on fire in downtown DC, and I watched as a bomb ripped through another building nearby, adding fuel to the already massive fire. I groaned and rolled out of bed, walking down the hallway and heading towards the bathroom, where I heard water running.

"You aren't in the shower yet, are you?" I asked, knocking on the door. I hoped to god I wasn't talking to a naked Tony. There were a few moments of silence before I got an answer.

"No, why?" Natasha asked, and I was immediately relieved to hear her voice.

"You may want to come take a look at this." I replied. She came out a minute later in the clothes she'd gone to bed in, looking at me questioningly. I pointed to the window. She approached it and peered at the dark cloud now taking up a sizable piece of the sky. "Hydra?" She asked. I shrugged.


I turned and headed to the room Tony had disappeared into last night, knocking on the door.

"Tony, did you see the fire outside?" I asked. He grunted, and I heard shuffling. I grabbed my shield from against the wall and scanned the room for my suit. 

"No but I have a feeling that by telling me, you think we should go see what's happening. You go ahead, I'll let Sam know and we'll catch up." He finally called, sounding exasperated.

"Alright," I replied, leaving his door and quickly heading to my room, where I changed into my suit. When I walked out, Nat was already ready to go.

"You want to go see who's having a party without us?" I asked. She grinned.

"You bet."




I sat up straight, instinctively leaning over and waking up Sarah a second later. She groaned, rubbing her eyes and yawning.


I rolled my eyes at her grumpiness and brought my finger to my mouth. She hushed, and we listened to the nearby gunshots. Her eyes widened as she scrambled to find her gun, scanning the ground. Once she had it she stood up and looked around. I stood as well, and hastily put our stuff back in the bag. I hid it in a nearby bush before stepping forward to scan the horizon.

"What are you doing?" She questioned. I looked at her.

"The gunshots are coming from the city. I'm going to go see what's going on, and you are going to stay here." I told her, daring her to argue. She argued anyway.

"I'm not going to sit here while you risk your life! I'm a trained agent and I've done these things before. I'm coming with you," She said defensively. I clenched my fists.

"Look. First off, with that many gunshots, this is something you haven't handle before. And secondly, I need to do this alone. I don't know what's going on but I'm not gonna risk you getting hurt," I said, readjusting the gun strapped to my back and reloading the one in my hands as I spoke.

She stood and glowered at me, sighing in frustration. "But-"

"You're not coming," I stated firmly, looking her in the eyes and daring her to protest once more.

Winter's Redemption [winter soldier//Bucky Barnes AU]Where stories live. Discover now