Chapter Seven

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An hour after breakfast, everyone had finally gathered all their things and we were beginning to pack stuff into Tony's car. We all headed to the elevator with our bags and JARVIS greeted us as the door opened. Me and Nat slid inside, waiting for Stark and Sam.

"Hey Tony," Sam called, jogging towards Stark, who was almost to the elevator. Tony turned around, eyebrows raised.

"Do you think you could rebuild my suit? Mine's messed up and I have a feeling we will see some combat on the trip." Sam asked him. Tony thought for a second and then shrugged, nodding.

"Give me some pictures, I'll have it done in under an hour." He replied, smirking at Sam's impressed face. Stark turned towards me.

"You alright with waiting another hour, Capsicle?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Sure. And can you stop calling me that?"

"Not a chance." Tony replied. I rolled my eyes again and watched Tony and Sam head to the workshop. Pulling Nat and I's bags off the elevator, I spun on my heels and headed to the living room, Natasha right behind me. Since we now weren't leaving for an hour, we had some time to talk.

"Tony said that Bucky had to be in the DMV area, but I narrowed it down to just DC or Maryland, based on places Hydra is. If he didn't go back to Hydra, which I don't think he did, he wouldn't go to northern Virginia- there are way too many Hydra bases there. He'd head away from there and towards Maryland, where Hydra hasn't set up any big operations yet." Natasha said. I took a seat on the couch and nodded.

"Makes sense. I just wonder where he would've gone. He was injured, has no idea who he is, has little knowledge of the area, and probably has no money. He also had no change of clothes, at least when he initially left, so he was easily recognizable as the Winter Soldier for a while. Which means he is also very trackable. My guess is he went into the woods and hid, but from there...I'm not sure." I muttered, puzzled. Natasha bit her lip and thought.

"Definitely strange. I mean if he could get a hold of money and clothes, he'd be able to find somewhere to go or live, but where would he find the money to get them?" She asked. I shook my head.

"I have no idea."



It was the next morning. I was searching the cabinets for something edible, anything to quell the rumbling in my stomach. I eventually found a box of something that resembled cereal, and quickly poured the contents into my mouth. I had eaten nearly everything in the box when Sarah came downstairs.

Her curly blonde hair bobbed as she walked, reflecting the sunlight that was streaming in from the windows. Her eyes were crystal blue today. She looked refreshed, as if she'd just slept for hours. Which she had.

"Hey," she spoke softly, crossing her arms over her chest. I glanced at her in greeting. I didn't really know what to say.

Silence followed, and we both stood where we were, unmoving and quiet. I kept opening my mouth to talk, but my mind couldn't figure out what to say. Finally she broke the silence.

"I need to go out and get new clothes. Mine are bloody and ripped." She announced, gesturing to her torn clothes. Grateful for something to talk about, I gestured to mine as well.

"Me too. Do you know how to get to town? And do you have money?" I asked her. My voice was hoarse, probably due to lack of use. It sounded closer to a growl than a normal voice.

"I know how to get to town, but I don't have any money. Is there any here?" She asked timidly. I poured a few more pieces of cereal into my mouth and nodded.

"Yeah. And trust me, there's plenty. We'll be good for a while." I said, picking a hundred dollar bill from my pocket. Whoever once lived here must not have trusted banks, because they had a ridiculous amount of money stuffed under their mattress.

Sarah said thanks, and walked over to me to get the money.


Suddenly a huge crashing noise pierced my ears. The windows shattered, bullets flying through them. The artillery embedded itself into the cabinets, and I caught sight of huge machine guns. All I could see were dark shapes behind the triggers. I immediately knew- Hydra had found me.


Winter's Redemption [winter soldier//Bucky Barnes AU]Where stories live. Discover now