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I jumped back and turned, hitting the fence behind me. I sighed.


"What aren't you telling us?" He said, pinning me to the fence.

"K-kacchan-!" I stuttered, blushing.

"I'm not letting go of this fence until you tell me." I nodded, as the bell rang. Looks like we're skipping next period.

"Kacchan, I can't-"

"Tell me."

"But Kacchan-"

"If you don't, then I'll break the promise we made."

My eyes widened. How does he remember that? And does this mean..? I shook my head.

"I lied about my quirk-"

"I got that. Now tell me why."

"Only if you promise me not to tell anyone." He nodded. "My quirk is actually called timezone. I can manipulate time. The reason I don't tell anyone is because they'll get hurt. Five people have ever known about my quirk, my parents, shiro, and his parents. Knowledge about me and my quirk are the reason for an attack. Shiro's parents, they.." I looked down, tears started to form. "They died because they knew about this. They were kidnapped and tortured by villains so they could get ahold of my quirk."

I looked up at Kacchan, and he was just looking down at me, stunned. He blinked and saw that I was crying. He placed his arm around me. "I'll be fine, you don't have to worry." Is Kacchan okay? He's actually being nice- I nodded and leaned into him, trying to calm down.

After a while, all my tears had dried and we decided to head back to class. When we opened the door, Mr. Aizawa was furious. In his own, lazy way.

"Why are you late? First Todoroki now you two? What's so important that you had to skip class?"

"S-sorry.." I said, running over to my seat. Ochako leaned over to me, asking if I was okay. I guess my face was kinda red still.

I couldn't focus on the lesson, the only thing I could think about was the fact that Todoroki was late too. Did he stay to wait for me after he left? Did he hear everything I told Kacchan?


After class ended, the only people left were Ochako, Iida, Izuku, Todoroki, Kacchan and I.

Ochako and Iida got up in Kacchan's face, "Why were you and [F/N] late? What did you do to her?" They both said in unison.

"Why did you make [F/N] cry?" Ochako said, getting really close to Kacchan. I got in between them before things got violent.

"He didn't make me cry," I said to Ochako.

"So why was your face all red?" She replied.

"I just, spoke about something sad before I came to class is all." I smiled.

"Is everything okay?" She asked. Kacchan punched my shoulder lightly as if he was saying 'tell them'.

"Yeah," I said to her, turning to face Kacchan. "Don't you have some cleaning to do?" He got a bit angry but before he could say anything, I grabbed my bag and Todoroki's hand. "See you guys later!" I yelled from the door, leaving with Todoroki.

Once we got off the school grounds, we stopped.

"Why did you drag me out of the classroom?"

"You heard, didn't you?"

"Heard what?" He pretended to play dumb.

"You know exactly what I mean!"

He sighed, then nodded. I groaned. Great. Just great.

"You know how dumb that was? Now I have another person to worry about!"

"I know you want me to apologize, but I won't. I don't regret what I did."

"I'm not asking you to..." I said, tapping my foot and biting my thumb.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm thinking!" I yelled, he stepped back a bit.

I grabbed his wrist and dragged him all the way home.

"You're staying here for now on," I said, shoving him into Shiro's and my house.

"I-I can't!" He protested. I pushed him into one of our empty rooms. As of right now, it just has boxes we don't feel like emptying.

"This is going to be your room now. This is the safest thing I can think of as of right now. You can move out as soon as Shiro, my parents and I can think of something better. We can go get your stuff now or tomorrow, whichever you prefer."

I said, standing between him and the door. This is payback for eavesdropping.

He sighed, and he agreed. Then it hit me. Where's Shiro?

I shook my head. He probably had cleaning duty and forgot to tell me or something.

"Let's go inform your family that you are going to be residing in the Akiyama household."


Once we got to our destination, I told him that he should grab any clothes or personal items he is going to need."

Once we entered his home, I was in shock. It's so nice! Way nicer than Shiro and my place! Just then, we were greeted by his older sister. I informed him at he's gotten into something that he shouldn't have and he is now doing to be under the protection of the Akiyama household. She didn't really get it, but she just agreed anyway. Once Todoroki got everything he needed, we left.

He filled one bag with clothes and the other with other items. I tried to convince him to let me carry one but he refused. Once we got home, Shiro was waiting out front again.

"Whats going on here?"

"He knows," I said, pushing right past Shiro and leading Todoroki to his new room.

"Shiro, please go get him a bed please," I said, as kindly as possible. He agreed and got one.

"I hope you know you're going to be the one to take care of him."
"He's not a pet!" Shiro sighed and went up to his room. I told Todoroki to get settled in and changed into my sleepwear. I changed into a white tank top and fuzzy pajama pants. After I changed I went into Todoroki's new room to check his progress. Let's just say, this is a mistake I don't regret.


woo another chapter~ I know that this is kinda a weird thing like, what now you're living with Todoroki?? But I mean, they gotta bond~ and making them run into each other all the time calling it a coincidence would seem forced and kinda suspicious. So, this is what I settled on! I hope you enjoy this chapter and will continue reading!

Also, sorry! I said I would give you two chapters in one day but I forgot to publish this one!! 

lost in time // todoroki x reader x bakugouWhere stories live. Discover now