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     "Well?" Nyromar grumbled. "Where is it?"

     "I-" I stammered. "I swear I- it was in my bag just a few minutes ago."

     "You lost it?" Nyromar snarled.

     "I'm so sorry, sir. I'll go-" Nyromar let out an infuriated sigh as he removed his belt from his pants. "No, sir, please, I'll go look for it. Please!" THWACK! "GAH!" Nyromar lifted the belt above his head and slammed the strap against my face. I leaned against the wall in pain as I held my cheek. THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! I collapsed to my knees, crying out as Nyromar's rage grew.

     "YOU ARE FUCKING WORTHLESS!" POW! Blood sprayed from my mouth as his fist collided with my jaw. "I've fucking had it with you, Devora."

     "No, sir," I weakly pleaded. "please-" Nyromar raised his fist. BANG! BANG! BANG! Nyromar stopped mid swing and looked straight at the door. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Nyromar straightened himself up and glared down at me.

     "Shut up and don't fucking move." I didn't respond as I watched Nyromar walk to the door. He cleared his throat before opening it, my eyes widened as I saw Oblo standing on the other side. "Can I help you?"

     "I came for my sister." Oblo answered.

     "I'm sorry?"

     "Devora, Nyromar. I want Devora." Oblo's voice hardened.

     "I remember now, you're Oblo. Yeah, I remember you. Sanulor used to talk about you all the time. He said you were reckless and a fucking idiot." Oblo clenched his fists. "Devora's mine. I bought her, and I can do with her as I please. And right now, I'm a little busy planning a trip to Hala."

     "I don't have any units, but I have something that could peak your interest." Oblo reached into his pocket and pulled out a large jewel.

     "The crowned jewel of X?" Nyromar chuckled. "Let me guess, you stole this off your own sister?"

     "I saw her drop it. I was gonna take it to my leader, but buying my sister's freedom means more to me."

     "Ah, yes. I know about your faction. Pathetic excuse for thieves."

     "Do you want the jewel or not?" Nyromar didn't respond. "The jewel for Devora's freedom. You were just about to send her off to Hala anyways, why not come out on top?" Nyromar smiled and held his hand out, but Oblo pulled away. "Not until my sister is safely at my side." Oblo stepped inside the house and looked over at me. "You alright?" I gently nodded. "Go grab your things." I staggered to my feet and scurried away to my room. I didn't have much, just a couple sets of clothes and a weird, creature figure that Nyromar let me get. Other than that, all I had was my satchel and knife. I slowly crept back into the living room and Oblo glanced over at me. "Come, sister. We're leaving." I walked around Nyromar and clung to Oblo's side.

     "We had a deal." Nyromar growled. "The jewel. Now." Oblo smirked and handed Nyromar the jewel and led me outside into the streets.

     "Thank you." I whimpered.

     "It's alright." Oblo sighed. "He's not gonna hurt you anymore."

     "W-What am I supposed to do now?"

     "You're free, Devora. You can do as you please."

     "Devora?" A man asked as he turned to us. "Devora Pauq'ar?"

     "Rhomann Dey." I smiled. "It's been a while."

     "It has." Rhomann smiled back before turning to Oblo. "Oblo, good to see you. Hope you're staying out of trouble."

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