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     The entire ship was silent as I paced back and forth in the flight deck. Kraglin had called Stakar's ship and left a message, now we're just waiting for a response. "Are you sure you called Stakar?" I asked impatiently.

     "Yes, Captain." Kraglin nodded.

     "You called the right ship?"

     "Devora, you need to be patient." Drax spoke up. "He'll call back."

     "He probably thinks it's Yondu trying to get a hold of him." I looked over at Kraglin. "Call him back."

     "Captain-" Kraglin began.

"CALL HIM BACK!" Kraglin let out a sigh and pressed a button the screen off to his side. I instantly clenched my fists with anger as the word DECLINED appeared on the screen in front of us. "Call him back."

     "Drax is right, Captain, you need to be patient."

     "We don't have time to be patient. Assuming that Groot had no problem finding Ego's core, they only have three minutes left. But seeing that Groot isn't the brightest crayon in the box, I'm giving him an extra two. Call him back." Kraglin pushed the button again. DECLINED. "Again." DECLINED. "Again." DECLINED. "Again." DECLINED.

     "You should-" Drax spoke again.

     "Shut up." I turned back to Kraglin. "Again." DECLINED. "Again." DECLINED. "Again." DECLINED. "Again."

     "YONDU!" I slightly jumped as Stakar's angry face appeared on the screen. "I'VE HAD JUST ABOUT ENOUGH OF-" Stakar's face softened. "My apologies, I was under the impression that Yondu was trying to get ahold of me."

     "No need to apologize, Captain." I gently bowed my head and tapped my chest with my fist, saluting to Stakar. "I am Devora Udonta."

     "Udonta? I'm assuming you're not his half sister."

     "Your assumption is correct, Captain."

     "Sorry if I seem shocked, I wasn't even aware he got married. The Yondu I remembered never wanted anything to do with marriage. So tell me, Devora, what made you so special that he changed his ways?"

     "I'm a good thief. Stole fifty mill from Broker's on Xandar."

     "You're the Krylorian who robbed him?" I gently nodded. "Wow. I have to admit, I am truly impressed. So, what can I do for you?"

     "Yondu needs help." Stakar let out a sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose with frustration.

     "You're his wife, so I'm just gonna assume that he told you about his past."

     "Yes, but-"

     "Then you know about him being exiled, right?"

     "Yes, Captain, but-"

     "Then you know damn well that I can't help him. Whatever mess he's gotten himself into, he's on his own. Goodbye." Stakar reached for his screen to end the call.

     "THE ENTIRE GALAXY IS IN DANGER!" Stakar instantly froze and looked back at me.

     "What are you talking about?"


     "The planet?"

"The celestial. He is the planet." I let out a sigh. "Ego is the guy that he was dealing kids to. When he found out what was happening to the kids, he instantly stopped and that's how he wound up with Quill. Ego found Quill and he's trying to use him to destroy the galaxy. Every planet will be destroyed, all lifeforms will cease to exist, and nothing will remain except Ego himself." Stakar didn't respond. "Look, I know what he did was wrong, and he knows that, but he's down there as we speak trying to fight a fucking celestial alongside four other people, and I'm not even sure if that'll be enough. You told him that exiling him broke your heart, that just proves that you still care for Yondu. Please, Captain, he needs your help now more than ever."

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