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     Everyone turned and faced Yondu as a group of golden women approached him, two rolling out a carpet for another, who I assumed to be their leader. I looked up at Oblo who only shrugged his shoulders in response. "Yondu Udonta." Their leader gently bowed her head. "I am Ayesha, high priestess of Sovereign. I have a proposition for you." She looked at one of her assistants and they handed Yondu a tablet. "You know these people, and I need them."

     "Yeah, I know 'em, but why do ya need 'em?" Yondu asked.

     "They stole the Anulax batteries from our home planet."

     "Ya want me riskin' mine and my crew's lives over some petty theft bullshit?"

     "I am prepared to offer you a million units as bounty

     "That's a very generous offer, Ayesha, but how do I know you're good on your word."

     "The Soverign always keep their word." One of the assistants stepped forward and opened a large case, revealing a large pile of units. "You bring us the Guardians of the Galaxy and the batteries, and the bounty is yours." Yondu glanced back at us before his eyes landed on me. I gently nodded. I wanted to prove to Yondu that I could be a great Ravager, and this was my opportunity. I will not fail him. Yondu's lip curled as he turned back to the woman.

     "Ya got yourself a deal."

     "Good." The woman smiled. "We'll be in touch." The woman slowly turned and walked away as her assistants rolled the carpet back up behind her.

     "Captain?" Kraglin called out.

     "We got us a gig, boys!" Yondu smiled. "Get your asses on the ship!" Everyone cheered with excitement as they dispersed. Oblo grabbed my arm and led me towards the ships. "Not you, girl." Yondu called out to me, causing Oblo and I to stop in our tracks.

     "Sir?" I asked.

     "I need to have a word with ya." Yondu motioned me over to him. I looked up at Oblo who nodded and let my arm go. "Go on, Oblo, I'll make sure she gets on board." Oblo nodded again and followed everyone to the ship. I knew I was in trouble. I had to be. I threatened another shipmate, pressed a knife against his throat, even cut him a little bit. I was nervous. What if he tried to eat me? What if he just kills me and leaves me in the snow? What was he gonna do to me? "What's your name again, sweetheart?"

     "D-Devora, sir." I answered.

     "Devora." Yondu smiled. "I saw what ya did back there to Taserface. The man looked as if he was about to fuckin' shit himself." I didn't respond. "You're not even a Ravager yet."

     "I'm not?"

     "Nope. We got us a method of initiation that ya still gotta go through." I gently nodded. "Ya showed me true loyalty back there. I can't even get that from my best of men, not that much at least."

     "Was I supposed to just let that walking ballsack just scrutinize you? You're our captain, lack of respect doesn't belong in this faction. That's why it's one of your rules, right?" Yondu didn't answer. "I was just enforcing your rules, sir."

     "Maybe I was wrong about you, Krylorian. Just because you're a woman, don't mean you're gonna be a complete fuck up."

     "Thank you, sir." I gently bowed my head and saluted Yondu the same way he did Stakar, assuming it was the Ravager's form of salute. "I won't let you down." Yondu smirked and motioned for me to follow him onto the ship.

     "Alright, boys, it's gonna be a long trip. Two days, tops." Everyone instantly groaned. "Shut up!" The ship fell silent. "Get ya some rest, eat, get cleaned up. Come tomorrow, we'll reassess our ETA."

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