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     I instantly backed away from the door as fast as I could, pressing my back into the steel wall as I frantically clutched my legs tight against my chest. "I was beginning to wonder where you ran off to." Nyromar smirked. Yondu watched forlornly as I trembled with fear.

     "Would you like us to prepare her for departure?" Gef asked.

     "Not yet. For now, I'd like for the two men to be restrained. I don't need anyone to interfere with our affairs." Gef snapped his fingers and Halfnut, Narblik, and Scrote entered the room. Halfnut and Narblik grabbed Yondu by his arms and pulled him away from me as Scrote picked up Rocket and held him tight in his arms. "Do you know the HELL you've caused me? Your pathetic brother got what he deserved." I didn't respond. "I want the jewel, right now."

     "I-It- it's-" I stammered.

     "NOW, DEVORA!"

     "It's gone." Yondu answered for me. THUD! "GAH!" Yondu doubled over in pain as Narblik slammed his fist into Yondu's gut.

     "Hold your tongue, Udonta." Narblik growled.

     "No, I wanna hear what he has to say." Nyromar insisted. "Where is my jewel?"

     "Gone. Boker has it."

     "Oh, and how much did you get for it?"

     "One mill-"

     "Wow, you must be really fucking stupid."

     "No, just strategic. While Broker and I were talkin', Devora cleaned out his safe. Over fifty mill."

     "Really?" Nyromar tittered in amusement. "So, this is what's become of you? You think you're a Ravager now? Bending over backwards to become this blue idiot's henchman?"

     "He's not an idiot." I mumbled.

     "Excuse me?" Nyromar hissed. Yondu looked at me in taken aback by my outburst.

     "My captain is not an idiot, you are. You're the one who fell for the glass jewel ruse. A child would've know that fucking thing was fake. You gave up your best thief for a fake jewel. Who's the idiot now?" Nyromar's eyebrows furrowed with anger as he began to undo his belt. I instantly flinched.

     "I'm getting sick and tired of your fucking mouth, Devora." Nyromar bent over and gripped me by my coat, ripping it off me before looping his belt around his hand a couple of times and raising it above his head. THWACK!

     "GAAAAH!" I wailed as I covered my head with my hands. THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! THWACK! Nyromar finally stepped away, wiping the sweat beading up on his forehead before sighing with content. My hands shook as I slowly removed them from my head , blood slowly trickled down my arms and back, seeping into my clothes.

     "Ah, feels good to have my old punching bag back." Nyromar chuckled.

     "Devora, you alright?" Rocket called out to me.

     "Don't fucking talk to her, rat, or I'll have your ass shipped back to Halfworld!" Rocket sorrowfully looked back at me before averting his eyes. Nyromar turned to me and gripped his belt tight in his fist. "I have been through fucking hell since you left. Broker laughed in my face!" THWACK! The tip of his belt snapped against my my cheek, instantly drawing blood. "The Nova Corps raided my home! I LOST EVERYTHING!" THWACK! I yelped in pain as I laid on the ground in a fetal position.

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